Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Please pray for my eyes and chest problems. May God do a healing work in my body. Thanks

September 22, 2019

Story of Faith, Healing and Resurrection

God bless YOU!!!! this is your first step to know the lord! These powerful passages talked about the faith, healing and resurrection! Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus died and laid 4 days before Jesus came to see them. At this point Mary loss hope, faith and was bitter because Jesus did not make it in time to heal her brother. Martha, saw Jesus and was overwhelmed because the savior has come. Martha was overjoyed-at this point. Jesus wants all of us to have faith, don’t… Continue Reading… “Story of Faith, Healing and Resurrection”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
September 20, 2019

Father Joshua

God bless Father Joshua for being a vessel for the lord. Oh lord what a wonderful presence of Father Joshua to help pray for those in need of a blessing. Thank you lord for opening Father Joshua’s heart to see the good in his flock and your grace blesses them with your power of prayer. Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the lord in the highest, for the word of God brings wisdom, knowledge and joy to all who shares this wonderful blessing. God bless Father Joshua that… Continue Reading… “Father Joshua”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
September 20, 2019

God bless Dena-Antoinette

God bless Dena-Antoinette this hour Oh lord please place your healing hands upon Dena’s physical body that limit her ability to be strong. Right now bless Dena, hold her in your bosom. Bless upon her with wisdom and praise. Let her soul be refreshed, relight her heart bring the light into her life, your light of joy. In Jesus name Amen Isaiah 28:29 This also cometh forth from the LORD of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working.

Senior Chaplain Melaney
September 20, 2019

God bless Dr. Rev. James

God bless Dr. Rev. James right now Oh lord hear the words of your servant James, please hold true to your promise. Lord, your time is perfect and pure which only can reflect your unconditional love for us. Right now this servant need your help, this servant need you to restore his financial chain that the devil have taken away. I know that you promised to fulfill our needs and we are more the fowls of the air, yet fowls are fed, they have water… Continue Reading… “God bless Dr. Rev. James”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
September 20, 2019

Healing for Paul

God bless Paul this hour with healing power. Oh lord, thank you for your healing hands upon Paul’s affliction. Right now Paul is in pain, his chest and eye have been so hard to bare sometimes. Thank you Jesus for your blessings and love everyday. Lord, restore Paul’s physical body with healing, restore Paul’s soul and bring the light into his life. Jesus thank you, thank you for unconditional grace and love. Father in heaven thank you for sweetness of the the earth and wondrous… Continue Reading… “Healing for Paul”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
September 20, 2019

Thinking of the Children

Let us pray. Dear Higher Power, May we all keep our soft warm hearts sending positive vibes to all the children who have yet to be reunited with their families at the Mexico border. Please continue to watch over them and bless their little hearts with love.

Rev. Dr. Klaus
September 17, 2019

Prayer request for indebtedness

I am coming under pressure, after a ponzi scammer, has taken over my Bank of America Checking Account, causing it to be closed, with $888,866.63 USD in overdraft. Thank God, that my Social Security and Va Pension Representative Payee may have a debit card, and without ‘ignoring the law’ and the reporting to ChexSystems and Lexis Nexis. That I may be able to utilize for my monthly compensation. Hopefully, this will also halt the enormous fees, that I keep paying to the Bank, over the… Continue Reading… “Prayer request for indebtedness”

Rev. Dr. James
September 17, 2019


Please pray for my general health especially chest and eyes. Amen, thanks

September 17, 2019

*B.E.L.I.E.F.S. from P.U.S.H.E.S.!*

*BECAUSE EMMANUEL LIVES, I EXPECT FAVORS SPIRITUALLY-SUDDENLY from PRAYING UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS EXTRAORDINARILY SPIRITUAL!*; this very Sept., 2019; esp. for my double multiple x triple numerous; concerns-needs-worries; re: my personal-pressing-private-professional-public; affairs, life, world; THE TRINITY’S FULLY AWARE of all my a/4/mentioned; esp. now the interference of my DAILY WALK WITH HIM; due 2 lower back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, slowness ‘n rising, waking, walking, turning, working, sleeping; reply ‘f ‘u can @; or leave message on religious voice mail; M-F /operation from 6 pm: 7738011778;

September 17, 2019

*B.E.L.I.E.F.S. from P.U.S.H.E.S.!*

*BECAUSE EMMANUEL LIVES, I EXPECT FAVORS SPIRITUALLY-SUDDENLY from PRAYING UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS EXTRAORDINARILY SPIRITUAL!*; this very Sept., 2019; esp. for my double multiple x triple numerous; concerns-needs-worries; re: my personal-pressing-private-professional-public; affairs, life, world; THE TRINITY’S FULLY AWARE of all my a/4/mentioned; esp. now the interference of my DAILY WALK WITH HIM; due 2 lower back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, slowness ‘n rising, waking, walking, turning, working, sleeping;

September 17, 2019


Pleade pray i may be healed by God of chest and eye problems. Amen. Thanks

September 14, 2019

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