Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Pass National Exam

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and happy 4th! Our founder has to take a challenging national construction exam on Thursday. Please pray for God’s abundant grace to be sufficient in this exam where he feels very weak. Please pray that God may grant him peace and favor. Blessings to you, thank you for your prayer… Continue Reading… “Pass National Exam”

July 5, 2022

God bless Anonymous

God shall cover you with anointed oil. Oh lord, hear the agony of this soul. Jesus, sometimes our spirit is not connecting with our flesh. Lord, restore the path of relationships. This spirit needs a new way of thinking about the relationship of the father God. Lord, open the eyes of this soul who is reaching out for help. Open the windows of heaven and pour out the blessing upon this soul. Jesus, help the relationship grow into the word of God. Thank you,d Jesus,… Continue Reading… “God bless Anonymous”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
July 4, 2022

God bless Bri

Good morning, God has given you the greatest blessing and its love. Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful soul who is hurting and having a hard time with her current situation. Lord help her to the battle between her flesh and spirit. Relight her spirit lord, and let the love and joy of life be filled with your presence. Jesus, thank you for all you have done in Bri’s life, and thank you for giving her a second chance to see her circumstances with a… Continue Reading… “God bless Bri”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
July 4, 2022

Please pray for healing for my friend.

Please pray for healing for my friend, Bob. He is a very selfless individual and does many things for his community. His has been struck with COVID, and I am asking for this congregation to please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank… Continue Reading… “Please pray for healing for my friend.”

July 2, 2022


Please pray I am healed of chest and muscle complaints. Amen.… Continue Reading… “Healing”

July 1, 2022


May you please pray that the Lord will physically heal my… Continue Reading… “Prayer”

June 30, 2022

Shame and guilt

Please pray for god to give me strength and courage to be truthful about past… Continue Reading… “Shame and guilt”

June 29, 2022

God bless WP with the gift to transform his hope into faith

God bless WP with the holy power. Lord, look upon this soul who has shielded many deep secrets and sin. Jesus, you are the light of the world who has sacrificed your life for ours. Now, this soul has a hole and this heart no longer can hear your words. Jesus, I call upon the name Jesus, right now, Jesus helps this soul, help this soul out of the bondage of sin; breath the breath of life into a corps that have been blinded by… Continue Reading… “God bless WP with the gift to transform his hope into faith”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
June 29, 2022

God Bless BB with the holy spirit

Good morning and may the lord cover you with the holy spirit. Dear, lord help this soul right now, only you father God know the situation and circumstances that this soul is going through right now. Jesus, I ask that you relight her heart, give this soul the mind and courage to understand your word. Lord, this soul needs restoration, step into this soul’s life and show her the power of your mercy, and help carry the cross of salvation. Thank you, Lord, for lifting… Continue Reading… “God Bless BB with the holy spirit”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
June 29, 2022


Please pray that God would give me the desire to change and become a godly and compassionate woman. I don’t like who I am, and am not saved, and there is no one interceding for me. Pray that I may be restored to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and filled with the Spirit… Continue Reading… “Bri”

June 28, 2022

Physical Healing

May you please pray that the Lord will heal my… Continue Reading… “Physical Healing”

June 27, 2022

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