Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

The Invisible Demon

God bless you right now, give God a praise!!!! Thank you Jesus for this soul who is reading this blessing , bless her, bless him right now with knowledge and insight about the invisible demon. Yes, people we have an invisible demon. Lift every soul that needs you right now, help us lord help us. God taught us how to be obedient. Moses was obedient and he open the red sea. Job was obedient and he was cured of the disease and restored to a… Continue Reading… “The Invisible Demon”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 14, 2020

The Invisible Demon

God bless you right now that you made it to the prayer site. Yes, we have an invisible demon among our midst. Jesus hallelujah, Jesus hallelujah to your name. Lift every soul who needs you lord, thank you for not letting love ones die alone. Your word is powerful and your wisdom ism beyond measures. I want to thank you lord, thank you lord for taking their souls home to the kingdom of your fathers house. People be vigilant, use your face mask and gloves… Continue Reading… “The Invisible Demon”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 14, 2020

God bless J

Thank you Jesus for being a wonderful blessing to all that know you! Lord, pleas heal J right now, right now. Jesus work on the family that lives above J. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for being our comforter. Lord heal J , heal J and bring him the peace and quiet to his ears. Lord sometimes people don’t take inconsideration of others. Please be there with J for right now he needs healing in his physical body. Thank you lord for blessing J.… Continue Reading… “God bless J”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 14, 2020

God bless MW

God bless YOU sight to see Oh lord please take away the anxiety and stress from this person. Give this person a peace of mind. The devil is busy at work and want thoughts to penetrate through this person. God how wonderful you are, You stepped into this person life and gave him strength and courage to call the name of the lord. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. God place your healing hand on this person and give him blessing from… Continue Reading… “God bless MW”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 14, 2020

Anonymous Relieving the pressure

God bless this parent who still have compassion and love for grown children now adults Dearest lord this famimly is going through pain and suffer due to financial barriers please hear their cy and prayer for restoration. Lord, step into their life, I know they are not heading to your words of mercy. Please forgive any heart that have used their parents for selfish reasons. Jesus block the way of the devil, and surround this family with your might and power. Jesus love you!!! and… Continue Reading… “Anonymous Relieving the pressure”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 14, 2020

My son business, relationship and selling our property

help my son Dan business be successful and be financially independent, it’s taking toll on us 2 seniors, please help, I have been praying for the past 11 years. Please help him and his brother be very close and have a good relationship. We are trying to sell our property, please help us sell it very quickly so it will not be burden on us financially. Please help me, I cannot take this pressure anymore in my life, I have so many other issues. Thank… Continue Reading… “My son business, relationship and selling our property”

April 12, 2020

Prayer For All Those Across the World Effected By This Sickness

My Prayer is for everyone both directly and indirectly effected by the virus,that a solution,a vaccine,cure,effective treatment be found soon,that cases drop off,that there is much healing,and that there be a good deal more compassion and kindness shown to the effected,especially those who have lost loved ones,or are actually battling this illness themselves,and those not able to be helped with certain needs because of the fear of this virus causing a shutdown of everything,and for everyone who is generally living in fear right now,that this… Continue Reading… “Prayer For All Those Across the World Effected By This Sickness”

April 11, 2020


Please pray for my fear of open water as deep oceans. I fear these things because there could be sharks or immense “ocean monsters” out of sight. It causes me to be irrationally terrified as if scared of the dark. And it makes me unsure of whether at actually want to go snorkeling or scuba diving. I let these fantasies determine my state of mind; I accept sharks as scary when they are simply primitive and innocent in their own way.

April 10, 2020

A Step Prayer

With each step I accept myself, With each step I accept the world, With each step I accept compassion, With each step I accept kindness, With each step I release the sorrow in my heart. With each step I release the need to act, With each step I extend my heart and allow myself to be. With each step I allow myself to accept the Universe and it’s reflection in what I see, With each step I accept myself

Papa Bruce
April 10, 2020

Healing, sick & noisy, upstairs neighbor

Pray my noisy, upstairs neighbor & her kids from now on will be quiet as a church mouse. Pray that my apt mgr had a talk with Unit D & gave her noise violations. I haven’t been feeling well for about a week now. I am always cold, body aches, cold hands & feet, lower back pain, headaches, tiredness, dry cough, dry haves, nausea, etc but no fever & no appetite. I am feeling yucky! Pray to heal my cold hand & feet & this… Continue Reading… “Healing, sick & noisy, upstairs neighbor”

April 10, 2020

Prayer for salvation and repentance

Prayer request: Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray that you will bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you surround our president with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. Have mercy on us… Continue Reading… “Prayer for salvation and repentance”

April 9, 2020

Pray for my sister to be more positivep & have to work tmrw.

Pray for my sister, Theresa, to be more positive. She always see everything negative. It’s makes it hard 2 b around her. Pray for my upstairs neighbors 2 b quiet. It’s 1:15 am, her children are still up, running, playing & making noise. I need sleep and have 2 work tmrw. Please pray my upstairs neighbors go 2 bed @ a decent time. She is noise maker. Pray for God to touch her heart and let her change her ways in Jesus name, Amen. Pray… Continue Reading… “Pray for my sister to be more positivep & have to work tmrw.”

April 8, 2020

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