Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

The Conversion of Sinners

Twice within the last two weeks I have has the experience of overhearing the terrible, damming, and murderous and pessimistic confessions and conversations of American Veteran’s. The bus that I ride stops at the Veteran’s Administration. I had a conversation with an American Veteran yesterday. It was most revealing. Hopelessness, depression, addiction, insanity, and mental illness. Nothing that I could say would give the man any hope, he is so ground down by harsh circumstances and his own brutal hardships. He has seen a great… Continue Reading… “The Conversion of Sinners”

January 21, 2021


Please pray for my chest complaint, that God would me me, amen paul

January 20, 2021


There is a part of my life I wish I could get God to touch so I could get some justice ⚖ and some peace

January 19, 2021


Lord I am in need of prayers for this addiction of opiates in my life. It’s been on going now for about 12 years, I no longer want to be prisoner to this life. I wish to be saved by your grace. Help me to find you in this path of darkness. I know with you I can conquer all things. In Jesus name I pray

January 19, 2021


Please share a prayer for all those afflicted with COVID 19. We ask you god for your support and help and healing hands. Amen

January 17, 2021

Everyone Who’s Suffering

May your love be strong in life And strengthen the weak And encourage the fearful And calm the horrible storm And pray for the suffering every day As I join the priests to pray for the sick today And Lord Jesus Christ keep me safe and warm Sheltered from the coronavirus storm And stay in my heart every day And deliver us from evil in life And glory to the heavenly Father And God have mercy And I promise I’ll love and Pray for everyone… Continue Reading… “Everyone Who’s Suffering”

David P Carroll
January 16, 2021

God turn the wicked around

oh lord hear my plea and hear my prayer to turn the wicked around and let them be speechless. Jesus, what is going on in our world today, I know father God warned us about the wiser the world get’s the weaker we become. Jesus, I thank you first of all for teaching some of us to love and respect one another. Lord, please stop the wicked and bring them to conviction in their heart, in their soul, in their every part of their mind.… Continue Reading… “God turn the wicked around”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 14, 2021

God bless baby Venice and father

God bless C for praying to heal baby Venice and father. oh lord hear the cry for recovery and healing for baby Venice and her father. Jesus touch them, bring peace and joy back into this home. Miracles and beauty you have given us, thank you heavenly savior for your love and protection. Thank you lord, you are our king of kings, our counselor, our healer and your spirit is the light that protects us. Thank you lord for blessing this home with love and… Continue Reading… “God bless baby Venice and father”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 14, 2021

God bless Linda and a 13 year old who needs healing

Thank you Jesus, thank you lord, hallelujah to your name. Thank you lord for bringing Linda to your throne of truth and healing. Lord, please hear the words of Linda who feels empowered that through hope and faith in YOU, father God, in faith that your Son died on the cross for every heart and every soul that we shall inherit eternal life. Linda pray for healing and resurrection of this 13 year old girl who need cleansing and restoration of her soul. Please bring… Continue Reading… “God bless Linda and a 13 year old who needs healing”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 14, 2021

God bless Adam and Healing to Sarah

Thank you Jesus for bringing Adam to the throne of hope and thankfulness. Jesus bow down your ear and hear the cry of Adam who pray that Sarah be healed in your blood. Thank you lord for putting in the heart of Adam to think of others. Jesus, you know Sarah by name and by heart. Jesus touch her, heal her and bring her unto your throne of miracles. Jesus, you are the savior down through the ages, thank you lord, hear us cry for… Continue Reading… “God bless Adam and Healing to Sarah”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 14, 2021

Prayer for Healing

Lord, I pray for the healing of baby Venice and her father that they both may recover from their illnesses. I also pray for the healing of my family emotionally and spiritually that we may have peaceful family relations and interactions at home. I pray for those stricken with COVID-19 and their families that they may be able to overcome their current circumstances. Amen.

January 14, 2021


My friend’s granddaughter is 13 years old and has had a break from reality. She is in a facility and could use your prayers for recovery.

January 12, 2021

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