Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Please pray I would be healed of flu and chest complaint. Amen Thanks… Continue Reading… “Healing”

July 25, 2019


PLEASE pray for a complete healing of body for James B. He has rectal bleeding. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS… Continue Reading… “Healing”

July 24, 2019


Please pray for my sister sherry and her family there having it hard and going thur a lot right now Thank you God bless… Continue Reading… “Pryer”

July 22, 2019


There’s a lot going on in my life right now i need everyone to please pray for me . Thank you God bless you… Continue Reading… “Prayer”

July 22, 2019


Please pray for good health, especially arm problems. Thanks… Continue Reading… “Health”

July 14, 2019

physical healing

I have cervical stenosis and degenerative disc disease in the neck. Pray for neurological repair and that my bones no longer press into my spinal cord and nerves as it cause weakness/numbness/unsteadiness. Also, a prescribed medication has not caused a symptom in my chest of a piercing feeling, which I think is a valve issue with my heart. I no longer take the medication but this symptom has not completely gone away, I ask for a healing from this medicine side effect. I no longer… Continue Reading… “physical healing”

July 13, 2019

How to stay on God’s assignment

God bless YOU!!!! this morning, it’s hard to stay focus on your calling especially if the devil try every opportunity to distract you. For example, an angel came to you in a dream or vision one night and said, your assignment is to build a church and this church will be for the children who cannot attend church. What does this mean? this mean go out and minister to the children in hospital’s, those who are in the jails with parents, infants who are in… Continue Reading… “How to stay on God’s assignment”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
July 12, 2019

My job

I made a mistake at work and I have come forward about it, admitting my error in judgement. I hope this will not cost me my job which I held for almost 10 years. Please pray for… Continue Reading… “My job”

July 11, 2019

Prayer for salvation and protection

First let us give the Lord thanks for the abundance of all things.Please pray that the Lord would deliver his people from evil men; That the Lord would preserve his people from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continually. Pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,divination and violence. Pray for world wide repentance that people would turn to God, so that he will forgive their sins. Please pray and intercede without ceasing that God’s will be done… Continue Reading… “Prayer for salvation and protection”

July 9, 2019

Healing for myself

Please pray that I don’t have cancer. I’ve lost 30 lbs. over the past month and am scared. I ask this in Jesus… Continue Reading… “Healing for myself”

RK Grove
July 9, 2019

My brother

Please pray for my brother to find the strength to go to long-term rehab and to overcome this addiction. May he find peace and love within… Continue Reading… “My brother”

July 9, 2019

Stay Focus

God bless YOU! this morning, Keep focus is not hard when your mind is set on the lord. No matter where you are in life, look to the heavens and repent, ask Jesus to step into your life and the miracle will happen. Today, think about focusing on Jesus, the holy spirit. Pray, talk to Jesus ask him to come and sit with you for a while. Ask for clearer path for your life. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed with everyday problems that we forget… Continue Reading… “Stay Focus”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
July 9, 2019

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