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Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
My very dear friend, you are such a spiritual scholar and force for good. Your journey is meaningful and you will do great things healing the sick and bringing the needy to completeness. I give you my prayer this evening, and share my love of your goodness with all. I hope to hear your angelic voice again someday, dear Asika.
It says anything is possible with God, the individual residing across from me, him repenting is still not possible, for the last 10 months, I’ve asked people to pray that he repents very soon and that still hasn’t happen. I could sit here another year, two or three years and nothing likely won’t change since it’s normally the individual’s choice whether or not to do so. To me, i don’t think it matters wether or not he repents or not, after the things he’s done… Continue Reading… “Something”
My deepest most heartfelt prayers go to you, kind and beautiful soul, as you are my most precious cargo. I will ferry you from where we met until I deliver you to your next place. My life is to be your guardian, to watch over you, and to make sure you arrive safely at your destination. That done is my charge. May you find love and grace from our spiritual parents.
please heal my brother from an infection. Please heal a friend with cancer. God Bless U
Plz pray4my bksld demon possess daug danele for salvation she gets high drnks liquor plays loud music all day shes not working lately her new boyfr comes over late sleeps ov to many times it seems hes trying to move in I pray tht God move him out immed he works aro corner I’m trust God tht his job tran after him far away tht hs hrs never allow him to gt bk here my daug frnd exposed her said shes try to gt pregnant… Continue Reading… “My bksl daug lacks fear of God”
I miss you so much – you are a gift to all who know you and I keep you close in my heart and prayers. You are everything this world needs and a beautiful person from start to finish. May your journeys be safe and fulfilling and full of love.
Please pray God would do a healing blessing in my body. Amen. Thanks
May you be happy and healthy during this time of crisis. Your life has been amazing and you are loved.
God bless YOU for coming unto the throne of forgiveness, knowledge and love. Lord I thank you for your word each and every day. Bless this soul who needs to be restored as well gain knowledge of who is the lord. The lord is Jesus, Jesus is his name. He is love, he is the our savior and he is the rock of our salvation. Paul was the lords servant who wrote to the Thessalonians and reminding them that all of our being in our… Continue Reading… “1 Thessalonians 1:3”
God bless YOU, Johnathan, God is here working in your life right now. Jesus thank you oh lord for giving Johnathan to turn to the God of the almighty. Lord, please bow down and hear his cry for justice, for restoration in his life and bring peace to his mind. Lord, only you know his heart and soul. Jesus, please bring him out from the darkness, release the chains that the devil has placed on his dad. Lord, bring light, and mercy and faith to… Continue Reading… “God bless Johnathan”
God bless Emma right now, thank you Jesus for saving Emma from sin. Jesus thank you for loving her each day of her life even before the womb. Jesus you are her savior, you are her redeemer and her rock. Lord touch Emma right now and turn her from sin. Thank you lord for working in Emma’s life, releasing her from bondage of sin. Release her from the chains, release her lord!!!! thank you Jesus, only your love can dwell in our hearts. Thank you… Continue Reading… “God bless Emma”
God bless Paul with healing and restoration of his chest condition. Thank you Jesus, thank you for all that you do for Paul, you are your healer, the lord is your counselor, the lord is your doctor, the lord is your savior. Thank you Jesus for looking upon Paul and saving him from sin. Let the holy spirit work in his life right now. God bless you Paul Ephesians 6:23 “Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the… Continue Reading… “God bless Paul”