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Im struggling to overcome sin of lust and desire and clinging to what this world offers. I need help through prayer to overcome the sin as well as being able to forgive myself and others. Also to be able to not let anxiety take over my mental state and to remain calm when looking for salvation.
For my sister Hosia be healed of years of being paralyzed. For my sister Ester to be healed of what ever she is praying for
Pleade pray God would hesl me of chest and dental issues. Amen. Thanks
There is a lot of difficulties in my work that. The mental stress is starting to affect various areas of my life. I just want to give up.
Please pray peace returns to my family situation. Amen. Paul
I need god to healed my thyroids and my throat
God bless YOU right now…For the lord our God shall bless you beyond measure Ezekiel was once again taken by spirit to look at the bones in the Valley. The bones was so massive from the eye can see. Jesus is consistently teaching us to watch, learn and believe in God’s word. Chapter 4-7 The lord said tell these dry bones to live…Ezekiel full of the holy spirit told the bones to take breath. LISTEN and OBEY what the lord is saying. The bones was… Continue Reading… “Bible Study Ezekiel Chapter 37 Witness Affliction”
Thank you my stomache very hurt pls I would like to apologize I am going to bierzmowanie!
God bless YOU right now. God loves you and so do I!! Jesus is life and our living source of our way of living. God bring happiness to your heart, and bless you with a new vision and a new way of thinking. Jesus gave you the gift of forgiveness and repentance. May the lord bless your footsteps. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night because he did not want anyone to know that he was seeking counsel from our lord and savior. His question to… Continue Reading… “Suicide – John 3:16 Chapter 3”
Thank you Jesus for blessing YOU for unto you a child is born without sin. Reading bible study scriptures are powerful messages that God our father in heaven want you to know and live by. Nothing new under the sun all have sinned. The good news is God loves YOU!!!! and so do I. Lets study his word together. YOU were called here for a reason and purpose. YOU need healing Just one look from Jesus and your healed from your afflictions. YOU need to… Continue Reading… “Bible Study Ezekiel – Chp 6 scriptures are for each one needed prayer”
Please pray God would heal my physical complaints. Amen. Thanks
Dear Lord, please help me move past the incidence of my childhood – where a certain childhood friend used to beat up on me all the time. Although I felt disempowered and strange for being friends with him, I still hold onto the ideas of what could have been; winning some of those confrontations. All of this was in the past; children will be children, and children are less educated and refined than adults. I was a child. Please help me forgive