Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Prayers for my parents & family

Please pray 4 my 82 year old parents they have so many health problems,financial problems & anxiety they could lose their home because they can’t afford taxes a bad situation. Please pray for my family of origin so many sins addiction & sexual sin Pray Bob breaks up with Debbie using her for sexual pleasure & breaking her spirit & lying to her & destroying my entire family. I will pray 4 U… Continue Reading… “Prayers for my parents & family”

September 8, 2023


I am 16, and I’ve started my second ever job. I start training on Saturday, and I’m so anxious. I know I’m going to mess up and I have so much…fear, I guess. I’m scared of going in, starting my shift. The environment is so different. And I don’t know how to tell them I’m going to need a weekend off in the future because I have a police case going on, and if it goes to court I have to go too, and it… Continue Reading… “Anxiety”

September 8, 2023


Please give me peace of mind and help me accomplish my chores.… Continue Reading… “Peacee”

September 7, 2023


Dear Lord, C seems to be very unhappy even though she is able to be in Heaven on Earth. Please give her a happy heart. We love her so… Continue Reading… “C”

September 7, 2023


Please pray God would heal me of health complaints. Amen.… Continue Reading… “Health”

September 7, 2023

Employment and Financial Stability

Hello, I am currently unemployed and preparing to move back in with my mother as a result but I still desire to quickly obtain a home of my own. I have no vehicle so I need remote employment. I feel that God is leading me to laboratory administration. Please pray for me to receive a new remote lab position with a high enough income level so I can be financially stable and purchase a new apartment. Thanks and God… Continue Reading… “Employment and Financial Stability”

September 6, 2023

For K.

Dear Lord, help K and myself to become free of this temptation that is ruining our lives even without acting on it. Is ruining mine for sure, but for how much I am determined to steer away from it, so needs to do her. We must help each other and to do it we need your help. Dear Lord, please help her and help… Continue Reading… “For K.”

September 3, 2023


Lord do a healing work in my body.… Continue Reading… “Health”

August 31, 2023

Freedom from lust and porn addiction

I have been struggling with porn and virtual sex addiction for many years. I want to be free from those things. Please, pray for my freedom. Thank… Continue Reading… “Freedom from lust and porn addiction”

R. P
August 26, 2023

Urgent prayer for protection

My husband’s life is being threatened daily and now, mine is. Please pray for our protection and that no weapon formed against us would prosper. The police would only take a report. Please pray for our enemies and that this would end today to the glory of Jesus Christ. Thank… Continue Reading… “Urgent prayer for protection”

G.C. Boyd
August 26, 2023

Blessing and salvation in Rose’s life

Please pray for a woman I met online called Rose (name changed). Rose lost her dad and had her leg amputated on the same year a few years back. Please pray for both spiritual and physical protection. Also pray for blessing in her life and for a miracle to happen so that she may become a follower of Jesus and for her to receive the gift of… Continue Reading… “Blessing and salvation in Rose’s life”

August 25, 2023

For Carolyn’s health to drastically improve

I pray for my mom Carolyn to enjoy a very happy, busy & healthy lifestyle again very soon & for her confidence to be restored. I pray Carolyn enjoys optimal health, alertness, energy & happiness, & is free of the anxiety & depression she’s experienced. I pray for help being extremely patient with & supportive of her. I also pray for Carolyn’s finances to drastically improve suddenly now & that she has no financial worries. I pray for lots of fun with her!! That she… Continue Reading… “For Carolyn’s health to drastically improve”

August 19, 2023

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