Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

God bless AM

God bless you today and always, Oh lord hear the words and prayers of AM. Thank you father in heaven for giving AM the power and strength to pray for her family, especially her two sons. Jesus bring light upon this family, let your spirit work in this family dwelling. Lord, ease the heart of this mother who brings life to her sons. Lord, turn the hearts of the sons to upon their mother with thankfulness and love. Jesus, thank you, thank you, for all… Continue Reading… “God bless AM”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 8, 2022

Pray not to enter into temptation

God bless you this morning, Thank you Jesus for your word of promise. Thank you, Lord, for your blessing. Lord hear the words of those hearts who plea not to enter into temptation. Lord, give strength to those who pray diligently to stop sinning. Oh lord, our world is full of false prophets and they lurk on our heels. Jesus, the son of God let your light shine in the darkest place of our souls. Help Lord, help those who are in bondage of sin,… Continue Reading… “Pray not to enter into temptation”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 6, 2022

Help my son and my family

I have so many issues at the age of 71, I cannot take it inside and pressure, it’s too much. Please pray for my son Dan to be financially independent and be prosperous, I have been praying for the past 13 years and nothing is working. Help Dan and his wife have a happy and successful marriage. Help Dan and his brother be very close and have a wonderful relationship. Help me do well in my work and prosper. Help our friends sell their house… Continue Reading… “Help my son and my family”

October 5, 2022

Pray for others

God bless all the world this morning, Thank you Jesus for a day of serving the almighty king in the heavens. Oh lord look upon your people now, and bring light to their hearts right now. Lord, thank you for blowing the breath of life into every living creature known and unknown. Lord, help those who seek your face and help those who need the light of serenity in their soul. The kingdom of God is our destiny and we must do our part in… Continue Reading… “Pray for others”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 5, 2022


May you please pray that the Lord will help me and my family members.

October 4, 2022

God bless Dusty with strength

God bless Dusty this morning, oh lord hear the prayer of Dusty. Lord, touch him and give him the strength to resist the temptation of the Devil. Lord, unloose the chains of sin from Dusty. Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love and your promise. The promise of love and we are not left alone. Hear Dusty’s plea for help and restore all that the Devil has taken from Dusty. Thank you lord for your name will forever be on my tongue. Jesus your will… Continue Reading… “God bless Dusty with strength”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 4, 2022


God bless this day forever Thank you, Jesus, Let’s praise his name with goodness and a humble heart. Hallelujah to his name this morning. Oh lord, hear the prayers of those in need of healing. Lord, help those right now with illness, overworked, homeless, elderly, and all the children. What does it mean to fear the lord? Our soul depends on our intent on our purpose in life or journey in this life. To fear the unknown is because faith and hope is the foundation… Continue Reading… “Healing”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 4, 2022

God is Love

God bless you this morning, Dearest Lord who lives in the heavens. Please hear the prayers of hearts desperately seeking peace, refuge, and love. Jesus is the light of our life and soul and brings peace to the minds of those faced with the devil’s deceived intents. Jesus some are in physical pain due to sickness heal them, some are in pain due to mental health issues heal them, some are in pain due to loss of loved ones heal them, some are full of… Continue Reading… “God is Love”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
October 3, 2022

Need Help

I need help resisting the temptations of the devil.

October 2, 2022

God bless the hearts who seeks the lord

God is good this morning, God is good this morning!!!! raise your voice and say God is good this morning, for another day to see the power of God’s beauty, Jesus said he will not leave us or forsake us, believe in his holy power, and believe that he died to save our sins so we may live eternally. God is so good to us, he loves YOU and all. Jesus said come unto him, don’t be afraid to let your heart focus on God’s… Continue Reading… “God bless the hearts who seeks the lord”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 14, 2022

God bless Mark and Zack

God thank you for your loving kindness in the heart of Mark to pray for Zack’s dad healing. Jesus, your name is above all, let our heart sound the trumpets of love and healing. Thank you lord, thank you for your healing upon Zack’s dad right now, thank you for giving our hearts peace and a name to call when our lives is full of sickness. Jesus, we need you right now, to look upon this soul and let the light of healing surround Zack’s… Continue Reading… “God bless Mark and Zack”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 14, 2022

God bless Paul

God bless Paul with healing and safety, Thank you Jesus for Paul, thank you lord for place your healing hands upon Paul’s sickness this morning. Jesus how sweet to say your name, our savior and grace. God let the angels sing upon the land and restore Paul’s physical body with strength. Jesus thank you for loving Paul all the days of his life. Let the angels surround Paul this morning, give ear unto the cry of the sick. Thank you lord for your words of… Continue Reading… “God bless Paul”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 14, 2022

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