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Psalms 91:9 “Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;” 1). This passage points to the word REFUGE…First, lets depict ” because thou hast made the lord.” God has made and sacrificed his only begotten son (John 3:16). We as Christians accept and believe that Jesus is the son of God. Refuge is Jesus! Jesus is our hope, healer, protector, guide, mercy, manefist devotion. Psalms 59:16 “But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing… Continue Reading… “Day 2: Bible study Psalms 91:9”
Please do help my wife veena in prayer as she has cancer last stage and water has spread into her whole body She is having severe health issues now. Thanks
Thank you Jesus, hear our cry for restoration, we need you lord, step into our lives ;heal all those who are hurt right now, those who face sickness and death. Lord help us, Hallelujah to your name. Glory, Glory to your name. Jesus anoint your people, give us life lord. Forgive those who turned their back on your word. Father God thank you for loving us, thank you for helping with the pandemic. oh holiness where is your mercy. I know you are love, you… Continue Reading… “Healing and Restoration”
God bless YOU!!! God has herd your cry for healing, restoration, and hope. Hallelujah for being on this prayer page. Invite your family and friends to be born again, for fellowship and most of all learn the truth. Psalms 91:14 14 “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.” 1). This powerful passage talks about Jesus the son of God. Let’s learn the first part of Psalms 91:… Continue Reading… “Bible Study for the next 16 days Psalms 91”
Please pray for salvation for Stu; pray that he will find love, peace, joy, and freedom in the Lord. Thank you.
Tipo has an huge, inoperable tumor. Please pray for God to heal him
Please pray God would do a healing miracle in my body. Amen
Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, Give praise to his name, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, receive Gods gift! thank you lord, holy, holy. The word of God helps each one of us to carry our cross to victory. Victory is YOU! Holy is YOU! help those who are lost, help those to know the power of the lord in prayer. YOU! are reading this for a reason, and your purpose is to give others the GOOD NEWS from heaven!!!!! Shout, shout his name in front of the… Continue Reading… “I Stand Bold! Galatians 2:20”
Father in heaven I ask for courage and good judgement at this time. This powerful passage explains that each one of us belong to the kingdom of God. We are blessed and ordained by the blood of Jesus Christ. I pray that YOU are blessed with this revelation to lift up and serve his purpose. Our lord gave each of us life, for we are able to lift others, to bring courage to those who face challenges no fault of their own. God is love,… Continue Reading… “Ephesians 2:10”
Thank you Jesus for LM to come to your throne of forgiveness! No matter where you are in your life LM, our lord, Jesus Christ is a forgiving God. it doesn’t matter if you have sinned, what matters is that you turned your heart toward the lord. oh, Jesus what great news to hear, when a soul want to be saved. Lord, I sing praises to your Kingdom, All then saints sing with praises to see a soul be born again, to share fellowship with… Continue Reading… “God bless LM”
Thank you Jesus! thank you humble savior ! Thank you Jesus for blessing Bea and Paul’s soul. These two hearts live in physical pain on a daily basis. Lord step in and give them a miracle to heal their health concerns. Thank you Jesus for your love upon these two souls. Thank you, Jesus for bringing life and warmth to their lives. Although they may live in pain, their heart and soul belong to you father God. Thank you for keeping them safe. Colossians 2:2… Continue Reading… “God bless Bea and Paul this hour”