Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Please pray for the elections in Ecuador that a good president is elected.

April 11, 2021


Please pray for healing for my chest complaint, Amen. thanks

April 11, 2021


Please pray God would heal me of chest complaint. Amen. Thnks

April 5, 2021

God so loved the World: John 3:16-22

God bless YOU on this Easter Sunday. God help this person understand your word and promise. Lord thank you for loving us, guiding us, showing us the beauty and miracles in our lives. Thank you lord, thank you lord, for rising this day to save our soul, for rising this day because you kept your promise, for rising this day to save us, for rising this day to give those who need a second chance in life. Lord bless all those who visit this site… Continue Reading… “God so loved the World: John 3:16-22”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 4, 2021

He is Risen!!! This Easter Sunday

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus bless this soul right now reading this post. Thank you Jesus for breathing a breath of new life here on earth. Lord, what a mighty God we have, thank you for your mercy, glory, and love on this day. Thank you Jesus for keeping your promise that you will return. Jesus, thank you, Hallelujah to your name. Jesus, thank you for putting Christians on a path of righteousness to carry our cross. Lord, please hear the prayers of people… Continue Reading… “He is Risen!!! This Easter Sunday”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 4, 2021


Please pray God would heal my lump on.foot. amen. Thanks

April 2, 2021

Help avoiding temptation and staying faithful

I ask for prayer to help me fight my sexual temptation to be with other women and to watch pornography. I often give in to these right when the Lord has actually blessed me greatly and for that I feel doubly guilty. I wish to move forward with a life lead in Christ, with his light guiding me and shining as a beacon to others.

April 2, 2021

Bible Verse Book of Luke Holy Week: Last Supper

God bless this soul that is reading your word and how much each step toward the cross brings us closer to your kingdom. Lord help us to hold on, Lord help us to hold out, Lord shine your blessing upon the world that they may see signs of wonder and miracles. Luke 22:12 And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. Luke 22:13 And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.… Continue Reading… “Bible Verse Book of Luke Holy Week: Last Supper”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 2, 2021

Bible Verses: Holy Week

God bless this soul that came unto your throne of knowledge, forgiveness and restoration. Please lord reach out to all the souls who have forgotten to pray for forgiveness, lord help these souls up, let them stand, thank you for your mercy and love upon each soul that is loss, each soul that is working tonight to save others, bless the souls that have been under so much stress, bless the souls that have lost a love one and is in sorrow, bless the souls… Continue Reading… “Bible Verses: Holy Week”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 2, 2021

Bible Verses from the Book of John: Holy Week

God Bless YOU!!! Thank you Jesus bless this soul with your mighty healing hands. oh lord please have mercy on this soul who came to seek your forgiveness and love. Jesus bless this soul who came unto throne of knowledge and to become your faithful servant. Jesus, please clean this person’s heart, soul and mind and restore all that was taken from this servant. Lord let the light shine through this person so other can see your glory. Thank you lord, hallelujah to your name… Continue Reading… “Bible Verses from the Book of John: Holy Week”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 1, 2021


PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you… Continue Reading… “PRAYER REQUEST”

pastor Thieringo Aguigo
March 28, 2021

God bless S with a new mind

God bless S, Lord forgive S for not seeking your help and guidance. Shower your blessing upon this person’s head and fill with compassion and understanding. Lord, thank you, thank you for all you have done for this person and bring this person’s heart to your throne of commitment and self-esteem. Sometime, lord we get confused between self-esteem and sin, Jesus move your power within this person and bring happiness by first knowing our lord and savior. Thank you for all your love and beauty… Continue Reading… “God bless S with a new mind”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
March 27, 2021

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