Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Prayer Request

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation,… Continue Reading… “Prayer Request”

Phil Chavez
March 23, 2023

A prayer for Annette

God bless Annette right now with wisdom, courage, and strength. Oh lord, hear the words of Annette. Jesus, fill her soul with the holy spirit and let your holy word be on her mind at this moment. Father God, I pray for the bondage of sin to be removed from Dan and his brother. Lord, hear the agony and frustration of Annette, step into her life lord, and bring peace, understanding, and happiness into this household. Thank you, Lord, for your words shall fill our… Continue Reading… “A prayer for Annette”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
March 21, 2023


Please pray God would heal me of health complaints. Amen.… Continue Reading… “Health”

March 20, 2023

people to have enough time to grow up and mature

ULC has.a title. I have been told for many years it did not mean a lot. However, it did at times when it was only a prayer that I had to live on. Cannot always say it was easy, many years of work. Pray for those who do not have much education and need to have a chance for ethical standard life. For freedom people. I pray for them. And, do not put any expectations. I understand that this is the best some can do… Continue Reading… “people to have enough time to grow up and mature”

March 15, 2023


My partner of 5years disrespect me, betrayed , deceived and lied, falsely accused me and cheated on me. she committed the worst possible crimes against me, contrived this carnage and lied to protect herself by accusing me. please pray for our little family and my child. Please pray for little… Continue Reading… “Infidelity”

March 15, 2023

Healing and strength

I am very very ill and I am struggling spiritually. I am asking for prayers. I need strength and healing. Thank you so much for… Continue Reading… “Healing and strength”

March 14, 2023

Prayer for restoration

Could you please pray for the relationship between my nephew and niece to get better. It really bad, I mean the live in the same house and their attitude and actions frustrate and make them hate each other. My niece doesn’t feel like loved by anyone, is hurt and is always angry, never smiles. She feels like defending her self all the time, I’m not sure why. Pray for her healing as well, because I don’t know how to help them besides pray and my… Continue Reading… “Prayer for restoration”

March 12, 2023

sell our condo and help my son Dan please

I am at the end of my rope, no matter how hard I pray, nothing is working for me, I have all these issues and at my age of 72, it’s killing me inside. Please pray to sell our condo and move to a smaller unit, I have been praying for 2 months, nothing is happening. Help my son Dan do well in his career, be financially independent, been praying for 13 years and nothing again. For my son Dan and his wife to be… Continue Reading… “sell our condo and help my son Dan please”

March 11, 2023


Please pray God would heal me of chest and other health complaints. Amen.… Continue Reading… “Healing”

March 11, 2023

God Bless APP with Courage

God Bless APP right now!!!! God is here in your life daily, look upon his face and let the holy spirit work in your life. Oh lord hear the words of APP that have bound him with dark thoughts in his soul. Give light and bring miracles into his life. Jesus is the way and he is our light of the world. Father God full of mercy touch APP right now, and keep him close to your bosom. Thank you, Lord, for giving APP happiness… Continue Reading… “God Bless APP with Courage”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
March 8, 2023


Please pray Robert will have a full recovery from covid. Amen… Continue Reading… “Healing”

March 8, 2023

Gary weeks

may he & stop seeing each other as… Continue Reading… “Gary weeks”

March 7, 2023

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