Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Please help my fatter to continue with my medical education to become a Doctor Thank you father

August 3, 2024

Path of being faithful

Today marks the first day of my path to being faithful to my partner. I have abstained from such devious thoughts of infidelity and have prayed for forgiveness and guidance on my journey. Thank you God for giving this day to reflect and set myself on the path of redemption. And may I continue to have more days, Amen.

August 1, 2024


I am confessing that I have committed fraud and theft. I am truly sorry that at the time my only means to survive was through committing these sins. I pray for grace and mercy and most importantly, forgiveness. I am no longer in the same volatile circumstances through only the grace given by God. However, my past transgressions are coming to light and the shame is overwhelming. Please have mercy on me.

August 1, 2024

grace and mercy

I ask for prayer for myself as I have committed theft/fraud in order to help a family member and survive. While I knew better at the time, this option seemed to be the only available one. I am so sorry for now potentially risking my professional career, my income, etc. Being in survival mode is a horrible place and mindset when you have no options, or think you don’t. I ask for God to grant forgiveness for these sins. To protect me from my own… Continue Reading… “grace and mercy”

August 1, 2024

High blood pressure

I pray that my moms high blood pressure will decrease and that she will be healthy physical and mental Thank you

August 1, 2024


Please can you pray for healing of all people with skizofrenia. Thank you

August 1, 2024


I have cheated on my partner 3 times and each time I felt guilty, disgusted, and ashamed of my self. Today was the third and final time. I am not a religious person by any means but I feel inclined to ask for forgiveness and guidance. I want to be a better person. I have made a mission now to abstain from such devious desires and become the person my partner deserves. God, please have mercy.

July 31, 2024

Lust and guilt

Please help and aid me to be guided to a better path as lsst weekend i made a stray whilst out and have felt massive amounts of guilt and shame on myself and my family since, Praise be

July 30, 2024

Economic situations

Pray for my mother who had started to attend church on Sundays last year to stop complaining about money, to not have greedy tempting fantasies about winning the lottery and striking it rich. Pray for her to pray to Jehovah and have faith that Jehovah will always provide since the fact it took more than a decade for mom to see to it I finally got SSI in 2008 and then transitioned to Social Security disability January-February 2011 when my late dad retired, that when… Continue Reading… “Economic situations”

July 27, 2024

Sam m. Car accident , surgery hip foot , trauma

I give thanks for the amazing healing potential and innate wisdom of Sam’s body and spirit and witness him in full joyful expression, comfort and health. I see his loved ones and lineages Accessing their own Divine expression Self mastery and innate healing on their life and spirit journey. I see them all surrounded and aligned with infinite divine pure source through all time space, dimensions, realities, potentialities, In betweens and everywhere where they exist. surrounded by love and blessings. And so it is thank… Continue Reading… “Sam m. Car accident , surgery hip foot , trauma”

July 27, 2024

rescueing pet very needing

Please pray for the good woman S. to successfully solve the problem with a warm shelter for abandoned white and black cat or he can die in summer cottage village. Pray that she gets several calls and messages with foster home offers for the pet. Pray for animal charities and other good people to be involved, thank you

July 27, 2024


Heavenly Father I have a cute book idea and I want to get it published to help kids have Kingdom Dreams. And I pray I get to get it published. I have a bunch it is easy on my mind and I just need probably some sort of telemarketing job or something to get it published I will sponsor of child is my heart and plant lots of trees to help regrow the earth for future generations and I pray my common law Adam and… Continue Reading… “Hi”

July 26, 2024

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