Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Please pray for me to turn away porn and lust. To not get angry to fast at my love ones.
For all that was unknown before may the truth be with us always from this day forward.
I pray that God hears me and heals this broken relationship. There is true love and I cannot deny it. I pray that all the hurdles and blocks and evil that plagues this relationship be cast out. I pray that my partner realises the truth of our love and our bond and drops their ego and comes forward. I believe truly that this was meant to be and sent by God and only God can heal this. I am humbled before God and ask for… Continue Reading… “Prayer for love”
I met someone who felt like they were sent by God. There were many hurdles in our relationships but it felt clear that this is the one. Recently things ended due to misunderstanding and ego. I have never loved someone like this. I changed my life and ways, did everything I could, I prayed, and begged to God and did everything I could think of. Many times I let go and accepted it as it was even when it was impossible. But this recent long… Continue Reading… “Prayer for Love”
I wish for a new green jacket hoodie
Please pray God will heal me of chest complaint. Amen. Thanks
im learning how to repent i need prayers on this journey
Pray for me: – complete and total healing of the fibroids – For all delay for my NYC court case to come to an end by the power of God and for the case to be won in my favor with a huge lumpsum of money asap – For my background check for my next job to clear asap and for success on the job- for all delay with starting the job clear away and come to an end so I can begin asap –… Continue Reading… “Prayer request”
To protect from all violence In the book of Psalms I,they have forsaken the way of violence.
La Universal Life Church Seattle WA USA ya me revocó de mi ordenación. Yo espero que la Universal Life Church Modesto CA USA y el Dudeism revoquen también mis ordenaciones porque yo no estoy digno y no estoy habilitado por mi impedimento mental hacer mis deberes y responsabilidades de ordenado en esas religiones. Perdonen los inconvenientes que les pueda causar.
Please pray God will heal me of chest and throat complaints. Amen. Thanks
I have fibromyalgia so I am always in terrible pain. Sometimes I can barely do anything. I am 40 years old and live with my parents. I am so ashamed. All I want is to be useful and find a husband who loves me and who I can serve with my whole heart. Please pray that I will find someone and somehow be useful in life.