Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Please pray I’m blessed in the next month with the RIGHT job for me, where I earn a really great salary, have minimal stress & most importantly, that I love the job & excel at it immediately. I pray I’m extremely well liked, respected, supported & valued by everyone there right away & am rewarded often & have excellent job security.
Please pray God would heal me of chest and nerve complaints. Amen. THanks
Lord, please ease the horrors taking place in these countries. Please keep the workers safe and allow more live people found.Amen
I would like to pray for my mother she was told today she has cirrhosis of the liver.
Please pray my son stops drinking so much booze every night.
Please help me pray for salvation of G. who is sexually & emotionally abusive w ALL the women in his life & is mentally & physically violent w ppl under him at work. I ask that the Holy Spirit convict him until he repents. Deliverance/Salvation for G. will not only prevent more victims of his abuse but also make him a living testimony of Gods mercy. In Jesus name amen
Please pray for me. There is a person who is trying to damage my foot, and this seems to be threat of some kind.
Please pray God would heal me of my health complaints, Amen. thanks
FK please help his grieving as today is his late wife’s birthday. Amen
Please God, help me get over the guilt and heartbreak that I feel due to the recent romance scams that happened to me.
Please pray God would heal me of chest complaints and other health issues. Amen Thanks
I need the Lord’s grace and your help to help me turn away from temptations, and the urge to sin. I want to be a better person, and a good example to myself and my children. Please, help me