Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
My son Caleb has been looking for a job for several months with no success. He is very down. My heart breaks for him. His finances are at a breaking point. Please help me pray the Lord opens a door for him soon. That he gives Caleb peace.
Please pray that God would heal my back and leg. Amen. Thanks
I have strayed from my partner, of whom I love more than the world. Please pray and forgive me for my sins. I am no means a religious woman, but I turn to Him when in desperate need. Please give me the strength to continue loving this man how he deserves to be loved, and let me cherish him.
I asked for prayers from relief of guilt and shame. For strength physically and mentally, power from God to keep going, to learn from my mistakes and not make them in the future. To forgive myself and have the willingness to make the right choices continuously. To not focus on pain and how it affects me so much.
Please help me to not give into lust and to not make any wrong decisions with it.
Dear God, I am praying for your protection from evil influences and pray that you keep me and my children safe.
Dear God, Please forgive me for my sins. I pray for your deliverance. I pray that you continue to guide me down your path of faith. I pray that God guides me with the Holy Spirit to become a stronger, better person. Please watch over my children and show them your light.
I would like prayer for healing from severe menstrual cramps. I’m in a lot of pain and nothing helps.
Please pray for Sylvia, Shirlene, Jerrod, Jodie, Ellanette and William. Their friends and family members also need help. Thank you very much.
Please pray for me, that I am able to move through my days with less strife and anger towards those who steal my peace. Pray for my serenity, that the Gods have mercy and will give me peace for a few weeks.
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