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Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Please pray God would heal me of health issues. Amen. Thanks
Lord, Please help heal my brother Craig of his cancer, and help see him through his trying period. Amen.
I have seen a phone call today, and possibly a warning. From the PRC government intelligence. The warning had a precedence in 2019, and I am short of prayers for this. Amen. And God Bless America.
My girlfriend Kimberly she has a very BAD kunes she’s in the hospital right now right now the doctors take away her illness.
Please pray that MR & DF come back together, and MR realizes how much DF in Malden loves him and would go above and beyond to give him the best life possible, not the “poly” life he’s in now.
Thank you Jesus for this opportunity to speak the word to others. Let your heart open, Jesus is here with us now and forever. God bless those who came unto your throne of Grace to hear the word of our Father in Heaven. This powerful verse tells us that we are loved, by the Lord Jesus Christ. Our father in heaven wants to share this divine love. Tell others what the good Lord has done for you in your life, a promotion, able to feed… Continue Reading… “John 15:9-12”
The arithmetics of your ankles smooth like hot air balloons, Tendon your muscles as steaming wheels, Adrenaline shores up as the engine of mental faculties starts to wield; The calfs stretches your loins as you stride like a stallion, Backened by the gluteal muscles as you lead the pace; Cardio fuels slowly clutch as the race starts. The thighs oscillate as the night skies, Enboldens the human shell with a transparent soul: to chase the shooting stars as you walk on the perpendicular globe, inhaling… Continue Reading… “For Paul with a nerve pain”
When the mundane has pervaded the spaces of living, When life is filled with alienated exchanges and transactions, When the hurlyburlies of the world has made you forgotten, that there is so much to be grateful for, that life is not what it appears to be with all the troubles, that the shimmering destination is yet to come to, And that it not need to be in constant motion which disorientate you. For God is with us wherever we are; For God is with us… Continue Reading… “For those who disbelieve in love”
May the world trust in love instead of peace, Since by peace there is always an implication of war, Yet for the solidarity of love and exclusion, The solemnization process naturally leads to strength, The power that resides in each and every individual, The pillars that fend the faith; The walls that shield it from harm’s way; The hold that makes something in the air strong as a rock; The roots that are grounded yet not gravitated; In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Please pray God would heal me of nerve pain. Amen. Thanks
God bless Keijo right now, Jesus thank you for raising Keijo out of sin and let his soul abound in your presence. God thank you for being in the midst of Keijo right now who is seeking your strength and vision. Lord, help Keijo understand that focusing on YOUR word is eternal. Jesus, come forth and touch Keijo right now, touch his heart, touch his mind and bring his soul to a peaceful place. Sometimes we focus on others and give the unknown and unseen… Continue Reading… “God bless Keijo”
Thank you Jesus for blessing this soul who is reading this message. God’s grace be upon this soul forever. Thank you, Lord, thank you for your kindness and compassion for us all. Jesus, please lend your ear to those who are fighting illnesses of every sort. Lord, when our bodies have been worn with a disease, our minds have to work so hard to focus on your word. Sometimes our pain is more than we can bear, However, your word gives us the strength to… Continue Reading… “Healing Power”