Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Bringing Family Together

God Bless YOU! Family are one unit, however, as we know some families are dealing with stress’s that blocks God’s blessing because they tend to sink into the problem and not look at the glory of God. God and his kingdom make any problem we have look as an ant; and yes, ants do bite, that’s the warning that Jesus died for us to keep our mind on the lord. As a thorn in your side to remember no matter what tribulation we are going… Continue Reading… “Bringing Family Together”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
July 8, 2019

Senseless loss…

Please pray for my friend Krystal who was killed in a car accident Saturday. Krystal was a passenger in a car driven by a drunk man. Also killed was a seventeen year-old girl who was a passenger in the truck he rear-ended. Please pray for the girls to rest in peace and for the families affected by this senseless loss.

July 7, 2019


As a result of taking strong pain medication after a knee replacement surgery, I developed problems with my liver, having symptoms as someone with fatty liver. I pray that my condition be cured, and that the liver problems disappear and my liver be returned to its healthy condition as it was before the surgery. I pray, that my praying community will join me in my request, so that I may be healed and able to continue with the active, productive, happy, successful live I had… Continue Reading… “FOR HEALING”

June 30, 2019


Please pray for general health for myself. Especially back and chest problems. thanks. Amen

June 30, 2019


Deliverance from demonic possession and negative entity attachment.

June 28, 2019

Love and Peace

Lord God . Hear our prayers.. Bless our World with Love and Peace. Now and forever. Amen

June 27, 2019

Prayer for Humanity

Blessed Father, Mother, God, heal the Earth and lead mankind to our highest good to do Your will. Thank you!

June 27, 2019

prayers for my family & myself since were going through some trials that are going to either make us stronger or break the family apart.

prayers for my family & myself since there are people in this world that want to destroy me & my family.

June 27, 2019

That KMT and kMX be kept safe. And that they learn from their tragic mistake.KMT andKMX

KMT and KMX use your time wisely and learn from this herrendous mistake. An innocent was lost due to your carelessness. May God watch over you always.

June 27, 2019

To my loving Heavenly Father

Thank you Lord God for your many blessings. For helping to heal my broken heart. For helping all our future plans work out to your specifications. For giving me the strength to go on. It is hard Lord. With Your help it is so much easier. Amen

June 27, 2019

Everlasting Convenant

God bless YOU! for your blessing right now… Thank you Jesus for the Book of Ezekiel (kjv). Ezekiel was taken to The valley of bones; he marveled at the massive sight of the dried bones’. then the lord said “let the skin be one the bones, then breath, again Ezekiel seen the lord put together each bone and he does with our life, one problem or doubt or worry are not to big for Jesus. The lord brought many of us who needed staving back… Continue Reading… “Everlasting Convenant”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
June 27, 2019

For the indecision

Hear my prayer, Creator of life and joy! I ask that you shine your love upon my dear friend, Jack that he may feel your love and see your way open up to him. I pray that he finds his inner compass again to serve in the ways that bring him such joy. I pray that you protect him and offer him shelter and warmth of genuine companionship, to where ever he may venture forth. I ask that you soothe the sorrows in his heart… Continue Reading… “For the indecision”

June 27, 2019

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