Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Dear God, brothers and sisters, let us pray. May we do still our love and light onto the children of today the newborns of tomorrow and grandchildren the next decade. This world we have created an abused is the inheritance we leave them for the future. Make each of us take time to reflect how we can be less cancerous to the earth today in hopes that mother nature can heal herself and allow all of our children to enjoy this wonderful planet.
Please pray that I am healed of several health issues. amen. Thanks
Please pray and bless, my aunt Alice, who is having severe breathing problems. The doctor’s claim she has COPD, but she never smoked. In my opinion, she has a broken heart that needs to be healed. Please pray for her. She is a wonderful Christian who is very kind, thoughtful, generous, considerate and a beautiful soul.
My friend Anton is going through some trouble right now and i hope for people to pray with me Seriously guys, anton reall needs our help Anton has been kicked out of his house for his faith a This is unacceptable. Anton does not deserve this. He is a devoted man, loving his wife and raising his kids. Never has he ever committted adultery or acted in lust
Please join me in bestowing your love and light blessing onto Dylan the grandson of Stella. Stella is his grandmother and distance keeps them apart. May two hearts be one, forever.
God bless YOU!!! for coming unto the throne of forgiveness and compassion! Our lord thy God is so rich with empathy and mercy. He only asked that we be obedient. Oh lord please uplift every spirit that comes to this website. Jesus thank you for breaking down the walls of hurt and pain that this person might be holding. Relight their soul, give them blessings beyond their barriers. My lord, my savior and redeemer, hear all those who are crying right now, those who are… Continue Reading… “Lord thy God is so wonderful”
Thank you lord for bringing Rev. Chrissi upon your throne of healing, strength and courage. oh lord, hear Rev. Chrissi plea on behalf of her husband. Jesus you know all about the hurt; please continue blessings over this family. Jesus please also heal the fire fighter who was injured. Only YOU father God know the intentions of man. Jesus your healing hand brings about strength and glory upon these two strong willed souls. Only you can heal the mind, soul and physical body of these… Continue Reading… “God bless Rev. Chrissi”
Thank you Jesus for your healing hands upon Paul’s affliction. His physical body need your healing power right now. Thank you father in heaven for blessing Paul down through the years. Thank you Jesus for keeping Paul’s heart and soul focused on YOU! I know at times our body hurts and our mind is full of worry. Thank you Jesus for your light held over Paul’s body that he shall feel refreshed. Relight Paul’s soul that he will smile upon the morning dew. Thank you… Continue Reading… “God bless Paul”
Please pray God would do a healing miracle in my body. Amen. Thanks. Paul
Please pray that the Lord God would continue to keep me in good health, amen. Thanks
My husband was involved in a hit-and-run accident on Sunday, he was rear-ended. He has a concussion and serious muscle stiffness/soreness. While on the scene of my husband’s accident a responding firefighter was seriously hurt as well. I ask that you lift them both in prayer that they may have steady, improving healing to their injuries with no lasting negative affects. Heavenly Father and Mother, Thank You for holding these men in your strong, loving, healing hands and gently guiding them along the path of… Continue Reading… “Prayer For Steady Healing”
Please pray for the victory of the revolution, the defeat of the bourgeoisie, and the eventual end of exploitation and oppression.