Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Healing,deliverance and salvation

Hello, I would like to ask for prayer for myself and my husband. Me and my husband both smoke cigarettes and he smokes marijuana. I ask for healing deliverance and salvation for my husband. My husband does not seek God. I also ask for healing for insomnia and anxiety for myself. I toss and turn every night and am sleep deprived everyday. I also ask for deliverance and forgiveness because I struggle with lustful thoughts and sexual perversion. I want to be obedient to God.… Continue Reading… “Healing,deliverance and salvation”

August 11, 2020

Prayer request

Please pray for Noel who seems to have issues with his kidney. He will be requiring dialysis. Please pray that he recovers and himself including those around him to be saved through Christ. I don’t know Noel really, I’ve read from another site and thought I let you know about this.

August 10, 2020

Prayer request

There’s a video I saw about a cat having a cut/ ripped ear after being abused. Can I ask you to pray that the cat gets healed if not fully healed, that all other pets gets healed if they need it, the owners/ people who look after them and those around them to be saved please?

August 10, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, can I ask you to pray for the following to be saved/ repent please? 1. Jason and those around him 2. Jazz, other swimmers and former swimmers including those around them (also Jazz) 3. Tonia, other divers and former divers including those around them (including Tonia). 4. Those who have insulted me including those around them. 5. Wrestlers, former wrestlers, those who had a job in the wrestling business in some other capacity and those around them. 6. Victoria, those around her and those… Continue Reading… “Prayer request”

August 10, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, there another forum that also accepts prayer requests if you sign up to be a member, can I ask you if you’re willing to pray for those who use it, their families and those around them especially including one in particular (God knows who it is) to be saved through Christ please? Thank you.

August 10, 2020

God bless Anon

God bless Anon right now oh lord forgive Anon for his sin and his rebellious heart. Jesus, thank you lord, thank you for bringing Anon to the throne of truth and restoration in his life. Lord, bring Anon into to reality so his heart is cleans by the holy ghost. Jesus please have mercy, have mercy on his soul and mind right now. He claims that cannot live without his wife; and this is a fear that we all live with. Jesus please bring compassion… Continue Reading… “God bless Anon”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 9, 2020

God bless Adam

God is here in your life. Thank you Jesus for blessing Adam with a kind heart to pray for his brothers and sisters and to bring peace and restoration in their lives. Lord right now touch Adam, bring goodness and light into his life. Hear is word that he is saying, I know only your heart lord can redeem our sins, hold our hand in the darkness and give us life. Thank you Jesus, hallelujah to your name. 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk… Continue Reading… “God bless Adam”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 9, 2020

Who is the light of this world?

God bless you for being here today. Jesus is so Good!!!!! You came to this website because YOU know Jesus is working in your life! Thank you Jesus for your everyday healing and restoration. Who is the light of this world? What does it mean “light” God made heaven and earth in seven days. God said ” let there be light” and the earth was filled with God power. Light is a term used to manifest, to bring strength and power, to open up your… Continue Reading… “Who is the light of this world?”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
August 9, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, can I ask you to pray for the guy that can today to fix the boiler/ put in a new boiler in the house I’m living in, the person who came before that to see the broken boiler, the other guy who was about to come but got cancelled and those around them to be saved please? Can I ask you to pray that people around the world including police officers, doctors and others including those around them to be saved/ repent of their… Continue Reading… “Prayer request”

August 8, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, can I ask you to pray for all sorts of people who are famous in one way or another/ in some degree who are still living to be saved through Christ and it helps others around them to be saved please? Thank you.

August 8, 2020



shereese clark
August 7, 2020

Freedom from addiction

I pray that all people who desire to be free from their addictions today would experience blessed relief and healing from addictions, that their souls would find respite in the presence of the Lord and be wondrously free from their chains at least long enough to experience a true moment of clarity. And then, if they wish, they can accept that clarity and begin to live a life free of addiction from this day forward. Amen.

August 7, 2020

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