Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
I would like prayer that my spiritual eyes would be open and that faith would increase
Hi I would like prayer because I feel like I am stuck and I don’t know who I am anymore. I know I used to know and love God but I can’t remember that love very much.
I pray for help that I may resist temptation in my life and that I may do what I know needs to be done no matter how bad I don’t want to.
God bless YOU!!!! Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for being present in our lives today. God is here, he is waiting for your dedication, turn from sin, give God his glory and bring peace to our country. God is love, we will secure our devotion through prayer. Prayer is powerful, we are able to heal ourselves, others, our community, and our society. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus for protecting those who facing eviction from their homes. bless those who are homeless, Jesus so… Continue Reading… “God bless our Country”
Thank you Jesus, for bringing this heart unto your throne of forgiveness and wisdom. May this person be blessed with knowledge and goodness of his/her heart. Thank you lord let this soul be forgiven and put light in their life. Work miracles lord for anyone who is in pain, who cannot see the light. This parable o the Unmerciful Servant is sometimes US! we need to let go of anger, strife, jealousy and most of resentment. Mathew 18:23-30 23Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened… Continue Reading… “Parable of the Unmerciful Servant”
God bless Adam right now, Hear this prayer from Adam, lord. He needs you working in his life. Right now people living on the same street is making it hard to live in peace. Lord, pour out your blessing upon Adam, the gates of heaven open and show the power of your love. Jesus, thank you lord, thank you lord for working a miracle in Adam’s life this very moment. Love, honor and thankfulness shall be on Adams heart. Sometimes it’s hard to keep our… Continue Reading… “God bless Adam”
Thank you Jesus, thank lord for bringing MIchael unto your throne of restoration and strength. oh lord please forgive Michael for giving up, sometimes life is hard especially not having money or financial assistance at a time that jobs are few. Lord, please look upon Michaels heart and work a miracle in his life right now. Lord, have mercy upon his soul. Thank you father who art in heaven, only you can fix all our problems. Lord, bring goodness and light into MIchaels life, and… Continue Reading… “God bless Michael”
God bless you H right now, thank you lord, thank you lord for bringing the light into H’s life. oh lord have mercy upon H heart right now, lord H is going through the storm and I want to thank you, lord for carrying this beautiful creature out of this storm of heartache and despair. Jesus, I call upon the name of our holy savior, our humble savior and king of all kings bring upon your beautiful miracles and beauty that was once in H’s… Continue Reading… “God bless H”
Thank you Jesus, thank you lord, thank you our father in heaven, Hallelujah to the angels in heaven for watching over Reba. God bless Reba and forgive her for turning her back on you when you called her. Jesus have mercy upon her soul. Work miracles in her life, let her see the throne of forgiveness. Lord, thank you for carrying Reba at her weakest. Thank you lord for touch her mind and heart to look upon your throne of mercy. Jesus, sometimes it’s hard… Continue Reading… “God bless Reba”
God bless C right now, thank you Jesus for bringing C to your throne of forgiveness and strength. Please lord hear the prayer of C, hear her cry and troubles that you create a newness of mind in your love. Thank you Jesus for having C look after her aging grandparents, God bless their soul. Lord, sometimes it’s hard to see the one’s you love are in pain, and agony. Jesus step into C’s life right now and bring this family out of the storm.… Continue Reading… “God bless C with healing”
God bless Catherine oh lord forgive Catherine for doubting your love and mercy. Thank you Jesus for holding Catherine in your bosom when she was sick, thank you Jesus for breaking the chain of the devil who kept her worrying. Lord, what a mighty God we have, full of love and compassion for us. Thank you Jesus for giving Catherine your protection and restoration in her life. Right now, Catherine no matter how you feel about your life, Jesus is there right with you, carrying… Continue Reading… “God bless Cathrine”
God bless EP right now, Lord thank you for holding EP in your bosom. Forgive EP lord right now, thank you Jesus for your mercy in EP’s life. Lord, step into EP’s life right now and show him a direction. He is lost, and you promised that you will never leave our side. EP is the lost sheep that was found by the Shepherd, Jesus thank you lord, thank you lord for moving in EP’s life and bringing him to your throne of forgiveness and… Continue Reading… “God bless EP”