Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
God bless R with courage and trust. Lord, please forgive R for having a contrite heart to humbly come to God’s throne of forgiveness, truth and knowledge. oh lord, R is tired of being ill. Please lord hallelujah to your name, step into R’s life right now, when such pain occurs with the body, the heart and mind forget the love of God. Jesus, ease R’s heart and renew his spirit to be one with you, father God. Jesus bring a new light into R’s… Continue Reading… “God bless R with courage and trust”
God bless Stephen right now, you know him by heart, soul and most of all through his faith God step into Stephen’s life right now please place an opening in his heart to seek his own foundation in the lord. Forgive him for his sin of love which trying to change the way people feel. God’s divine love is the rock and refuge for our life source. Stephen, God’s love show sacrifice and duty. Sacrifice by being born again and seek your journey in the… Continue Reading… “God Bless Stephen”
PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winer’s life of bigs gains, heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
anonymous – i have had a severe past with doctors and psyciatrists , they have now diagnosed me with diabeties , and frightening me . te nurse is ringing and getting on my nerves i have since been having thoughts too kill a doctor or nurse for fear of my life , these thoughts and emotions are vicious enough to get them way i cannot take anymore .it will be the end of me if they carry on , the persecution is very bad what… Continue Reading… “doctor/nurse problem”
Please pray God will heal me of chest complaint. Thanks
Pray for Caroll and Brenda.
Please pray for my dog and I. My dog has a big fatty tumor that needs to be looked at and I don’t have the money to do it. She’s my best friend/companion. I also need prayer as I’m having bowel/sciatica trouble more since I had the pfizer shot. Thank you in advance. Thank you God the Father for who you are, thank you Jesus for what you did on the cross for humanity, and thank you Holy Spirit for being a comforter. Love you… Continue Reading… “need prayer”
PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you… Continue Reading… “PASTOR THIERINGO”
I ask you that you pray for me, my girlfriend Ivy, and her parents that God will give me supernatural favor with them to where her parents will accept me and forgive me for my trespasses. I ask that you pray that her parents will want to get to know me, invite me down to Florida to get to know me, like me, and eventually have them give me their blessing to marry their daughter and have her move to Oklahoma with me. Also pray… Continue Reading… “Acceptance and Salvation”
I’m truly grateful for god’s mercy in my continued healing. A few months ago I had a really big scare. Doctor’s had to remove a large tumor from my abdomen that they found out the day of surgery wasn’t cancerous. I stayed in the hospital 15 days because of complications from the surgery. I’m grateful for continued healing 6 months after surgery. I am doing well. Please keep me in prayer.
PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you… Continue Reading… “prayer request”
Pray people hear Gospel songs by Caroll and Brenda.