God bless YOU!!!! God is alive in my life!

Revelation 3:2 “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

What does it mean ? to be watchful and what context does this verse mean?

“Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain”. My heart, mind and spirit is what we have to strengthen. My heart have to keep on the lord always. When I go through trials and tribulations in my life, I have to continue to pray to be strong for those around me. Such as the virus, so many families have passed away; however, my heart have to stay focused on the lord and those who need prayer. My mind must endure bad news, not have a job position that is deserved. Neighbors are getting sick, children are having a hard time adjusting to school, the virus and virtual school. My mind need to be prepared to gain understanding to help encourage those around me. My soul say yes to you lord. My soul need to be strengthened through meditation on the lord.

“That are ready to die” what does this mean?, I am not ready to die, I have young children, I have parents to take care of, I love my life and I don’t want to die. This verse is talking about CHANGE, when we are baptized and born again this is when my new life in Christ is the new beginning. The old life is put to death. When my new life in Christ and the congregation becomes new friends and family in Christ. This is to say old friends who are not in Christ and who are bad influence for my family also die (no longer my friends, no longer hanging around with people who have a different way of life). My life in Christ starts today and may God bless me each day.

“For I have not found thy works perfect before God” This last part of the verse is crucial to our understanding. Each day God know that we fall short no matter what I do because I am limited in knowledge and wisdom. Jesus is the ONLY human who understood the father in heaven and not one spot on him, meaning he was without sin. So, this is to lean on God, read the faith of Jesus everyday his heart, mind and soul was on father God in heaven.

Jesus bless this person for gaining knowledge and heal this person in every part of his or her life.

Revelation 3:2 “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

Senior Chaplain Melaney

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