Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Please pray for healing and peace of mind for Mary Ann (my mom)! Thank you, I appreciate it!
Please pray for Bea that God heals her of abdominal complaint. Amen. thanks
Please pray for me so God can remove any fear from my heart and stage fright, when I perform an important public speaking for my dream job.
Please pray my back is healed by God. Amen. Thanks
Request for prayers for Rebecca – 67_ Oregon- for left big toe which is infected from ingrown toenail, I will have surgery to remove toenail in two weeks, plus prayers for left ankle bone and tendons. Ankle Bones now have arthritis and tendinitis that is chronic from accident 2020 November where bones were broken in ankle of left leg in three places and now healing is not taking place , Dr. says ankle bone is caving in and that the surgery caused arthritis and I… Continue Reading… “healing ankle foot”
God bless this soul who is brave to stand against sin. Thank you, Jesus for bringing this soul unto your throne of knowledge. Help this soul to find their way through the perils of life. Jesus is blessing you right now, ask for guidance and you shall find his love. Ask for clarity in your life and God will light your candle of life. Ask for forgiveness and God will touch your heart and mind. Ask for protection from the unknown and natural elements. Ask… Continue Reading… “Finding the Truth”
Please pray for Linda. She is in need of help. Thank you very much.
Please pray for the individual listed here. His name is Devalian. He may be in trouble.
Please pray for me because have been overeating and I have diabetes. I just want to control my eating and my diabetes
Thank you Jesus for bringing this soul unto your throne of strength and restoration God is blessing you right now, thank him for another day to say his name! You are saved, be born again, and be the child of God. God wants you to know that in everything and all things he is here. Thank him, give him praise and sing hallelujah to his name. Father God bless the health care workers who are tired right now and need your strength to continue to… Continue Reading… “God is Here with YOU”
PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, Winner’s life of bigs gains de, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
Lord our God, I plead with you to heal my brother, Craig Trent Byrnes. Please give him a speedy and easy recovery from his ailment. Amen.