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Prayers for a friends grandson. He is in the hospital,and having seizures. Prayers for a complete healing
God bless YOU with healing for your life and time on earth. oh lord help those who cannot hear your words and bless them with Christians around them so lead as examples of your commandments. Lord right now we need salvation and help for all those who have loss the will to live, and sometimes loss hope in our father in heaven. Jesus, shine upon the hearts who need you right now, relight the fire in their soul and bring them peace and joy. God… Continue Reading… “Healing”
God bless you right now AM and your family oh lord you said we can depend on you for any and all circumstances. This family need your help right now. Lord open your windows of blessing and let it shower upon this family who needs financial help. Lord, hold this 71 year old close to your heart and bring Christians into her life, to aide with this concern. God sometimes we ask for help when we are in a bind; but you also said that… Continue Reading… “God be with you “AM””
Please pray for my Dad for a miracle healing and for full recovery. He is suffering and struggling in hospital. I want him so badly to survive this and live.
I am mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted, nothing is working for me, I cannot handle this pressure for my age 71years old. Help with your prayers to sell our condo and move to something smaller, we cannot afford it any longer. Help my son Dan work so he can be financially independent and prosperous, I have been praying for 12 years that nothing is working. Help him and his fiancé get married, be happy and have a wonderful marriage. For my two sons to be very… Continue Reading… “sell our condo and my son work do very well”
God, please help save those two strangers that I tried to help yesterday. Amen.
Please pray that God heals me of nerve complaint. Amen. Thanks
Please help me sell our condo quickly, we cannot afford it any longer, and it’s killing me inside, we need to move to a smaller unit quickly, please help, I cannot take this pressure any longer, I am 71 years and too much for me to handle with so many other issues that I have, thank you
God bless YOU for coming unto the throne of HOPE. God wants you to know of his love and by this love, it’s HOPE that carries us to salvation. God bless you!!!! Hallelujah, let the Lord’s power bring you strength to be born again. Fellowship with others and give the lord your heart and trust. Our God is here right now, bring your burdens to his throne and lay it upon his foot, and may he raise you up with his mercy. God is so… Continue Reading… ““For we are saved by HOPE” Rom. 8:24″
Suffering Palestinians. Lord Jesus Christ Today we pray for the Suffering slaughtered Palestinian people every day Amen Lord Jesus Christ.
Please pray i am healed by God of abdominal condition. Amen. thanks
Thank you, Jesus, God bless YOU right now with strength, truth, and restoration. God bless YOU right now, this is God’s throne of forgiveness and restoration. Each day becomes harder to deal with money problems, employment, and bullies on the job, or when you are sick and in pain; there are so many issues that the devil is using against us to turn from the lord. Revelation 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. Isaiah 54:17 No weapons formed against… Continue Reading… “God is in our Midst”