Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Prayer for America

Please fervently pray that America Repents of: Homosexuality-. America and her government have allowed homosexuals to run this country and she must repent of this wickedness.Lesbianism-. America must repent of teaching homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. It is not. It is wicked and has provoked the judgment of God. Abortion-Satan has always launched an all-out attack against the unborn children in this country. He did it in Bible days and now America is allowing the same murdering, destroyer spirit to permeate this country. More children… Continue Reading… “Prayer for America”

January 20, 2023

Pray for me and my fiance to not be tempted to cheat and lured by the devil

Hello father, Me and my fiance are being tempted by the devil and we would like your help and kindness to bless us further to clense us from the sin and my recent sins due to being lured by the devil Pray for Me to stay strong and not to give in to the temptation.

January 18, 2023

God Bless NS

God bless NS with strength and courage, Oh lord hear the prayer of NS who needs you right now. Lord, place your healing hands on NS soul, right now. Jesus, thank you lord, thank you for bringing NS to your throne of mercy and forgiveness. Jesus, sometimes life is difficult to handle and we need your mercy more now than ever. Thank you, lord, for giving NS the strength to move forward. Our humble holy redeemer opens heaven’s windows and showers NS with blessings and… Continue Reading… “God Bless NS”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 17, 2023

God Bless Joshua

God bless Joshua with love and compassion, oh lord, hear the words of this child’s heart. Father God pour your blessings upon Joshua’s head right now. Lord, Joshua so much wants to live a happy life. He is trying his best to be aware of his thinking to bring an understanding of things that happened to him when he was younger. Lord, help Joshua who is reaching out to you right now. Jesus place your healing hand upon Joshua, let your glory and beauty surround… Continue Reading… “God Bless Joshua”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 17, 2023


Please prayer for Richard who has an immigration appointment 1/24/23 to determine if he can stay in the US. Pray for his family, for the judge and the attorneys. Pray for peace and strength.

January 17, 2023


Heavenly Father, I pray for Financial help regarding my financial responsibilities and cc debt, I also incurred hospital bills that I need to pay, another also I hope I dont need to pay back EDD for the payment they did when I get lay off from my job last 2020, this is most that I am worried about since I dont know why I need to pay back when 2020 its the most hardest time of my life and nobody helps during that time and… Continue Reading… “Financial”

January 16, 2023

In need of prayer

May you please pray that the Lord will permanently remove the individuals from my life who have been violating me. Thank you for your prayers I sincerely and deeply do appreciate it.

January 14, 2023

For my horrible past mistakes, and for my current mental/physical healing.

Please pray for the horrible mistakes I did in the past and the confessions I’ve made to either the church or the person themselves. I am human and will learn from my mistakes and stop temptation from happening again. Please pray for my current mental state, I have not been my normal self and physical self for a long while, but God willing he will forgive me for my sins, please pray for me.

January 11, 2023

Healing prayer

Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you, Darko Irgolič

Darko Irgolič
January 10, 2023


Please pray for Sandra, that God would heal her of vertigo and other complaints. Amen.

January 9, 2023

Talking about other people

Please pray, that I will never talk about other people again

Christian Girl
January 8, 2023

God bless Margaret P

God bless you Margaret and your life journey with the lord, oh lord, hear the prayer of Magaret. Father God help her this hour to hold dear the promise of your kingdom. Jesus, sometimes life is full of challenges, but because of our faith in our holy redeemer, we find comfort in the arms of our lord Jesus Christ. God Margaret’s desire is a child, and only our humble savior is able to share the beauty and miracle of blessings upon Margaret. Lord, help Margaret… Continue Reading… “God bless Margaret P”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
January 7, 2023

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