Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Yo soy G.J.M.P. y no los puedo ayudar. En el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico no me aprueban todas las licencias o permisos profesionales del estado por no estar en todas mis facultades mentales o no estar cuerdo (Esquizofrenia Paranoide o Paranoica) Con el poder de las leyes de la República Federal de los Estados Unidos de América, con nuestros Territorios, y nuestras Posesiones ésta es mi verdad. Así sea. Recuerden: En el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico de la República Federal de… Continue Reading… “Oración de acción de gracias por no ser digno o no estar habilitado.”
Please pray God would heal my body. Amen. Thanks
God is with you right this moment, believe in our savior and acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, YOUR SINS! Oh lord, hear the words of this child of God. Father God, this child is reaching out for your mercy upon his heart. Lord, step into Justice’s life right now and replace the dark thoughts and personal actions burdening this child. Matthew 19:14 “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is… Continue Reading… “God Bless Justice (Help)”
I am 13 years old and am really struggling with the temptation of Pornography and Masturbation. I need prayer to give my life to Jesus and to overcome this sin.
Please pray God would heal me of health complaints including chest condition. Amen. Thanks
Lord,please forgive my sins and help me to never do them again. Help my loved ones find peace in their house and within themselves, Be the one who is takings care of the things they don’t talk about and put love into their souls. Help me find my call and please make me see the things I am called for. Help those in need find their love and peace so they will never experience any type of severe sadness. Thank you Lord,for listening to this… Continue Reading… “For me and the people I love”
I need a prayer for increased discipline, especially concerning work. Work has always been a struggle for me—especially if I’m drained, or I’m suffering from the “procrastination” mood. Though some things need not be finished right away, I still desire a healthy work ethic, regardless of whether I’m feeling in the mood. Of course, the ability to prioritize is important too. These two things—discipline and prioritization—are big places where prayer is needed. I appreciate any prayers you offer on my behalf.
Please pray God would heal me of several health complaints. Amen. Thanks
God bless YOU!! Today, and, forever may we hide in the bosom of our Lord and Savior. Jesus, thank you for hearing the prayers of the souls who need comfort; thank you for blessing those who need to be cleansed with the holy spirit. Thank you Father God who made all things. Where there is darkness there will be light. To have the ability to recognize God’s hope in your life. Be born again and feel the power of Father God’s mercy. Romans 15:13 “Now… Continue Reading… “HOPE”
God bless your heart for being focused on the word of our savior. I believe, Jesus, has risen for you and me! Lord, bless each heart’s intention to learn and grasp the word of the lord. Jesus, is, Lord, and Savior! Don’t matter where you are in life, Jesus will change your life. We will be reading the entire chapter of Matthew 27. This powerful passage talks about events leading up to our, Lord’s, crucifixion. My heart is heavy because life brings both beauty and… Continue Reading… “He is risen!”
God bless Cee with courage, strength, and restoration. Oh lord, hear Cee’s prayer and restore all that the devil has taken from her. Lord, place the breastplate of Righteousness upon her soul. Father God, touch Cee’s mind, heart, and spirit. Thank you Jesus for stepping into Cee’s life. Lord, place Cee in your bosom and keep her safe. Thank you, Lord, let the angels of heaven tarry around Cee. Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy. Jesus is here with you Cee, you are… Continue Reading… “God Bless Cee”
God bless you today and throughout your journey in life. Oh lord, hear the prayers of the hearts who are hurting right now, heal and fill them with your holy spirit. Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice and gift of hope. Our salvation is near. This passage from the book of Psalms (41:4) is a powerful message. it is written ” I said, Lord, be merciful unto me” God knows your heart, God knows your heart’s intention to ask for healing. it is written “Heal… Continue Reading… “God is Healing us right now!”