Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
Please pray for my sins to be forgiven. I have committed an act that I deeply regret and from this moment forward I am going to take steps in the right direction. Please give me the strength to forgive myself and continue to grow as a person.
Please pray for the forgiveness of my sins and to give me strength to turn away from temptations. Give me strength in forgiving myself and moving on from this.
Please pray that God would do a healing work in my body. Amen. Thanks
I have flight anxiety and will be on 2 flights this weekend. Please pray for safe travels for me and my loved ones and everyone else traveling this weekend. Lord, please wrap your arms around us on the plane and keep us safe in your mighty glory, please place your hands over us and calm the anxious worry and keep us patient to know you will help to keep us safe. In Jesus name, amen. Thank you!
Please pray for God to forgive my sins
God bless Paul this moment Thank you Jesus for protecting and giving the healing power to Paul. Lord, Paul’s physical body mainly his chest is in pain and sometimes unbearable. Father God, step in and heal Paul at this moment. May the lord’s voice thunder and may his grace be sufficient. God bless Paul with the restoration of every life aspect. Let the angels sing sweet hymns in heaven. Jeremiah 17:14 “Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall… Continue Reading… “God bless Paul with healing”
God bless Jake this hour with peace of mind and content Oh lord hear the prayer of Jake and restore all that was taken from him and his family. Thank you Jesus for loving Jake enough to protect him from harm. Lord, right now Jake is asking for your divine intervention on his journey here on earth. Father God touch him, touch his spirit and touch his soul to become unbreakable. Thank you humble lord full of grace and mercy. Thank you, lord for giving… Continue Reading… “God bless Jake with peace of mind and financial restoration”
God bless Kingsley this hour God is in your presence, call on his divine power over your life those connected through genealogy. Thank you Jesus for holding Kingsley and his family in your protection and bosom. Jesus step in this family life and restore all that has been taken. Jesus thank you for guiding Kingsley when his situation is too much to bare. Lord, restore his mind and give him peace. Restore his spirit to walk upright in the presence of our father God. Thank… Continue Reading… “God bless Kingsley with strength and restoration”
salvation for me and my family, protection(asngelic assistance) career/ business opportunity, winning millions of souls for the kingdom of god, music career favor with god and men, excceeding abundantly far mor can ask or think, long life heaven and earth, my family to be safe and protected and myself from hurt harm and danger seen and unseen. pray that god will make them stop before its to late, i pray that you come into agreement with me with your faith yes it is that W.… Continue Reading… “general”
Beloved, please pray for me and my family for protection and guardance. Thieves constantly break into my house and compound and cart away with some property. Please help and pray with me for God’s intervention and exposure. God bless you all.
Please pray God would heal me of chest complaint. Amen. Thanks
there is a girl in my church and i like her . more precisely , i love her . and i dont know why i believe god brought her into my life . we met in the church , we became friends in the church , and we are in the same school , same class and same transport but unfortunately she hates me now . i dont know why . i am ready to tolerate any punishment , any pain , suffering but i… Continue Reading… “love”