Do you have someone you can pray for today?
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Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
I’ve been struggling with porn addiction, that’s one thing, secondly just pray that my friends would cone to Christ, myself included because now I’m just not feeling it, amen and God bless all if you. My dad has also been sick and isn’t doing great, please pray for him too and that he would come to Christ, amen and God bless. God bless all if you.
Please pray my right leg will be healed by God. Amen. Thanks
I’m such an awful creature, for 20 years of my life i never really felt love and affection and at the age of 20 i first time had a relationship and i loved her from all of my heart despite she didn’t seem like to be in love with me and that relationship ended recently, and i was an emotional mess because of that break up. It was my first experience feeling heart break and this all pain, but 1 girl saved me from it… Continue Reading… “Atonement”
Please pray for my friend Jodie that Jesus would come into her heart and be lord over her life Please pray that she would embrace his love and become part of his flock
My name is Brian and my son Giles is fighting. For his life in southmead hospital in Bristol. He has liver failure and is very ill. Please pray for him
Please let the Lord take away my wife’s depression. She’s a wonderful person and doesn’t deserve it. Please
Please prayer that my daughter Tenleyv in Sacramento California.find housing and a job Thank you Jesus!
God I have been praying about my court case, finding great employment, and so much more on my heart. I have been leaving jobs that have been terrible and I really need a great job where I can grow, be very successful and productive and make money and where I won’t be forced to leave and is perfect for me. Please hear my cries and work things out for me! Amen
I have been wrestling against temptations for so long now, but I just can’t keep doing this. I hope I’ll just get a break from this cycle of temptation and then giving in and dying inside. I’m just lusting over women and wasting my material on online whores. I just ask for you to pray some rosaries for me, or shorter prayers, anything helps. God bless you, thanks for the prayers, if any.
I have fallen into lust and sin again, and this time, it has had severe consequences. A girl that I was friends with won’t talk to me no matter what, and I feel responsible. I believe that my behavior has changed since before I gave into lust, and I want the old me back. I don’t like being addicted to something that ruins my life, no matter how appealing it may be at the moment. I pray that I can be cleansed of my addiction,… Continue Reading… “Personal Problems”
I pray the satanists and witches who trafficked me and created the spiritual realm.and also abused me physically and s.abused shall be caught and imprisoned WITHOUT bail TONIGHT all 7 and 28+ and wherever they have now placed themselves. I pray God exposes them to the full and what they have done to me.and I also pray for millions of prayer warriors and supporters and witnesses without will report and advocate on my behalf TODAY. You, Lord said that evil shall dwell with you even… Continue Reading… “Immediate Help”
Dear god, please watch over the people of Ukraine and other countries who are involved in wars around the world and please give them love and strength.