Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Prayers for luck, prosperity and fortunate happenings

Ingrid Smith ask for luck, prosperity and fortunate happenings prayers. Dear Lord shine brightly on the risks I take and beam favorably upon all I touch every day. Bring to me, Ingrid Smith that which is due and bless my day with the sum which will be sufficient to fulfill my needs. Light the way I need to turn so that opportunities for enrichment will cross my path every day. Lord shine your light in the direction that I need to secure the funds I… Continue Reading… “Prayers for luck, prosperity and fortunate happenings”

Ingrid Smith
May 2, 2024


Please help me stay true to my commitment of being chaste and modest.

May 1, 2024

Ask for preyers

I am asking for prayers for the healing of my mother Wiesława

May 1, 2024

A prayer to end a long struggle of sin

i’ve sinned horrible through “self “pleasure” and its horrible, i try so hard and just cant stop, please pray for my friends, for temperance and chastity thank you

April 29, 2024

Financial breakthrough for wealth, prosperity and abundance to serve God.

Am KIRUNGI RONALD kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers this month I want to start a business but am jobless and no money seen and i want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth, prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by God’s will i will be glad to include in your prayers.

April 28, 2024

First communion

Please pray for my journey in becoming Catholic I have to keep it a secret for my mother as she would not approve However, my father and friends are more than supportive and I hope to draw closer with God and the Holy Spirit, as well as getting a chance to dive deep in the Bible I want stronger relationship with Jesus I i’m 19 and I will receive my first communion in just three days and I will receive confirmation less than a month.… Continue Reading… “First communion”

April 27, 2024


Please pray for my healing for chest complaints. Also prayer requested for Bea who is having medical tests. Please pray for good reports. Amen. Thanks

April 27, 2024

For Myself

Pray that my autism, anxiety, and OCD heals. Pray that my mom can give up her obsessions with job sites. Pray my mom can’t yell at me anymore. Pray my mom can like me. I love God. Pray for me. Pray my dad can stop yelling at me. Pray my mom accepts me. Pray for me!

Svetlana Sonday
April 25, 2024

Unholy thoughts

I have been viewing my partner in a lustful manner, and have acted on those desires frequently. I deeply regret viewing him like that, and having unholy thoughts about him. I ask for strength to get through these emotions and feelings, so that I continue in our loving relationship and view him with love, not lust. I pray for patience and compassion for myself and anyone else who has struggled with this.

April 21, 2024

Temptations of Lust

I have been struggling with watching things that I am not meant to watch. I have been trying to avoid it but eventually keep returning to it. Please help me and anyone else struggling with this recover and never do it again.

April 21, 2024

God Bless YOU!!!!

God is Good today and always! God, please forgive the sin of man…God help us turn to your word each day for peace, prosperity, and hope. Jesus is our salvation [1 Thessalonians 5:9 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”] Psalms 73:28 “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
April 18, 2024


Please help me pray for my daughter, Brae who is in a relationship with this guy named Caleb, to open her eyes, & be separated from him quickly, and immediately, because he is verbally abusive towards her at times, manipulating, has a bit of a temper and using her for money, he is toxic. She is not working, and he is, but asking her for money. This is not healthy. They are not engaged or married; he is just a boyfriend. Please remove him from… Continue Reading… “Guidance/Protection/Relationships”

April 18, 2024

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