Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

For my safety

I have already sent in my confession and I know that will do wonders for me, but for extra comfort I will put a post on this prayer wall. I, a 15 year old male, have comitted a sin, one that comes from my own feeling of loneliness, one that now makes me feel unsafe. Basically, I have a near crippling porn addiction (one that I am working on) and in this haze I joined an online chat room where now that website has my… Continue Reading… “For my safety”

March 7, 2024

Lost in many ways

I’ve battled depression and anxiety for the last 28 years. About a year ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 2. I’ve been an alcoholic and got sober in 2013. I stepped away from A.A. after a few years of sobriety. I replaced alcohol with pornography, sexual immorality, and sexual addiction. I beg you for your prayers because I know they work! I wish to be free from these demons and to live in God’s light, love and his will. Thank you for praying for… Continue Reading… “Lost in many ways”

March 6, 2024

Prayer for exams and it’s preperation

Bless us o lord, in this exam season. Help me, guide me through this exam lord. Keep me away from any temptations or distractions. Help me to utilise my time well. Help me to study well and emerge sucessfully. Through your grace and my hardwork all I need is happiness and satisfaction Lord. Help me lord to be strong, give me solace and grace in times of need. Mother Mary intercede for us, help me in this my necessity. you were there at the darkest… Continue Reading… “Prayer for exams and it’s preperation”

March 5, 2024

Healing and deliverance

Please pray for the Lord to Heal me of my severe allergy symptoms, take my anxiety away and Help my job get better. Please pray for the Lord to stop and remove Adam F from trying to make my job harder in order to advance himself. Please pray for the Lord to separate him from me. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers. God bless you all!

March 3, 2024

God Bless Paul with Healing

God bless Paul this morning, Thank you Jesus for placing your healing hands upon Paul’s leg (injury). Thank you Jesus for your daily mercy upon Paul’s life. May God protect you and give you peace. Isaiah 57:19 “I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
March 3, 2024


Please pray God would heal me of leg injury. Amen. Thanls

March 1, 2024

Summer Vee

Please pray with us for Summer Vee who is healing from Cholecystectomy & chronic pain. And pray for her family and friends that are supporting and caring for her and receiving her love and care also. May she experience full recovery, healing and infinite strength and happiness. Now and forever more in Christ Jesus holy name we pray Amen Amen Amen Om Peace Amen

February 29, 2024

Prayer request for Peter Morgan

Please pray with us for Peter Anthony Morgan who just passed of Morgan Heritage band and all family, friends and fans who are all celebrating and mourning his passing. We pray he is met with his loved ones on the Other Side and his presence is felt and appreciated by his loved ones here on earth.. and we pray for live and light to fill the body, mind and soul of all one’s who are felt and mourning his crossing. We pray in Jesus Christ… Continue Reading… “Prayer request for Peter Morgan”

February 29, 2024

Deanna Reid

Please pray with us for Deanna Reid who is healing from copd chronic pulmonary dis-ease. May she be restored to perfect health in body mind and soul now in this holy moment of Divine Grace. May all her family friends and loved ones be blessed by her healing and receive their healing and wisdom also. May all be done now in perfect love and light of the Most High One Holy Name of Christ Jesus Yahshua Christos Eleison Amen Amen Amen Om Peace Amen

February 29, 2024

Elizabeth Wrege

Please pray with us for Elizabeth Wrege whose house just burned down and her 3 boys who live with her. And also her cat that passed. In Christ Jesus Holy Name we pray Amen Amen Amen Om Peace Amen

February 29, 2024

Prayer requests 20240229

prayer requests for Hon. Mrs. Kristinia H of Home A Glow; Hon. Mrs. Weaver, Jessica, Hon. Mr. Jason Hanna; the Parliament of World Religions, the PADRECCS (Parkinson’s DIsease Research Education and Clinical Centers); the United States Dept. of Veterans Administration; Hon. Dr. Reynolds, Michelle, Hon. Dr. Gorden, Ari;The clergypersons globally at the ULC HQ, ULC Seminary, ULC Ministries, ULC Monastery. thank you for your prayer of agreement and standing in the gap.

Rev Dr James S
February 29, 2024

Sleep and peace

Please pray for me. Dear Jesus, please pray for Viola Cleo Bradshaw to sleep better as she has trouble sleeping deeply, i need deep sleep, can I have more deep sleep? i need deep peace, healing for my broken nose. Can you still my mind? Can I have open doors? Can I have the light of the world to heal me? I am abandoned. I am rejected. Can you Lift up my deceased cat Kildyboo who needs to rest peacefully in heaven with no pain… Continue Reading… “Sleep and peace”

Viola Cleo Bradshaw
February 29, 2024

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