Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

God Bless PPB

God be the glory in the highest, Thank you Jesus for bringing a compassionate and sincere heart that care for unity around the world. oh lord so many tragedy and violence is happening in the world, but your word assure us that YOU father God has a plan and a purpose for our lives. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for all the stars under heaven to remind us of your power and light. Thank you for your Miracles in the world. God bless this… Continue Reading… “God Bless PPB”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 17, 2018

God place your healing hands on Paul

God bless you Paul this hour oh lord heal Pauls physical afflictions. Right now Paul is in pain, lord have mercy on Paul now and forever. Thank you lord for giving Paul a beautiful life full of love ones and experiences. Jesus, only you kow our heart and mind. Please lord hear Paul’s prayer for healing and restoration in his life. Lord, thank you for givig Paul all that his heart desire and carrying his burdens. Jesus, thank you , thank you, thank you for… Continue Reading… “God place your healing hands on Paul”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 17, 2018

Divine Government and Unity in America

Blessed Creator, Blessed Master Jesus, Angels and All Beings of Light and Love, Shine the Light of Divine Wisdom, Compassion, and Unity upon every man, woman , and child embodied upon this earth at this time. Inspire the leaders and policy makers, the representatives of the American people, and the legislators to come from their hearts in their dealings with each other and with the population. Ignite the fire of the American Vision for Justice, Peace, and Freedom in every heart and up-lift our desire… Continue Reading… “Divine Government and Unity in America”

November 13, 2018


Please pray for my eyes that they may be healed of irritation and other issues. Thanks

November 13, 2018

“For God so loved the world”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Glory be to God!!! His word tells us that he loves YOU!!!! it doesn’t matter what state of mind, or how your living right now, or you dropped out of school, unemployed God loves you even more! His son Jesus was a blessing to the world. His blessing brought us to be humble, to live life with compassion.… Continue Reading… ““For God so loved the world””

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 12, 2018

Prayer of Peace

Ephesians 4:3 “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” This power message tells us that we must work at achieving, don’t stop trying, work toward , keep your mind on your goals. Jesus told Paul to keep the churches (us) mind on the lord God our father and him. This passage is about commitment, it’s how about holding on to God’s word and teaching. One of his teachings is “Spirit in the bond of peace.” This is so powerful… Continue Reading… “Prayer of Peace”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 7, 2018

God bless Carl

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for giving Carl the best Doctor’s and treatments. I know it’s hard when sickness takes over our bodies and mind, we tend not to listen. oh lord, our humble savior of our life, who love us unconditionally. Jesus only you have put each of us under your bosom and protected us more than we know. Thank you father God for being in the presence of Carl and his family while he goes through this time of… Continue Reading… “God bless Carl”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 7, 2018

God bless Casey

God bless you!, Casey!!! Thank you Jesus for bringing Casey to your throne of forgiveness and mercy. oh lord, hear Casey’s prayer for courage and strength to overcome the obstacles she can not yet see. Lord, I know you have brought her this far on her path and her purpose is great. Casey’s Gods glory and mercy is about love, forgiveness and compassion. He is our safe refuge, he is our lord and savior. Thank you Jesus for bring peace, wisdom and blessings upon Casey’s… Continue Reading… “God bless Casey”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 7, 2018

Escape from the past

Please help me escape the sins I’ve committed in the past and allow me to make my life more meaningful and enjoyable. I’m trying hard, but it feels like something is holding me back. Please help show me the way my lord. Amen

November 6, 2018


Dear God, please heal Carl. Bless the treatments he is receiving. Give him comfort, courage, and hope. Renew his body. Grant him a miracle. Thank you, God. Amen.

November 4, 2018

Prayer of the Day….Comfort

John 15:26 “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:” This powerful passage gives us hope when we are faced with physical death in our lives (love one dying, people we know, and tragedy). But, Jesus came to comfort us and to save each one of our souls. We were promised that we shall inherit eternal life. Spiritual death is when we deny… Continue Reading… “Prayer of the Day….Comfort”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 3, 2018

God comfort Diana in this time of sorrow

oh lord comfort Diana in this time of sorrow for her husband. Thank you Jesus for putting Diana in your bosom and away from the chaos. I know lord that losing a love one takes our mind off of you because we are hurting. Surround your loving arms around Diana and restore her peace in her mind and soul. Let her heart be in your light of love and promise. Thank you for living in her presence each and everyday. Right now, lord she need… Continue Reading… “God comfort Diana in this time of sorrow”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 3, 2018

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