Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Lord, I have been praying to have a conversation about my and his relationship. Please open his heart and let us have a conversation about our relationship, please let it happen soon.

December 12, 2019


Please pray my leg and chest conditions will be healed, thanks

December 11, 2019


God bless YOU!!! Jesus is Alive!!! Temptation is a power word and act!!!! This is a dangerous act that can lead a person of faith to destruction. The devil tried to tempt Jesus. We have to do what Jesus did to keep us strong. Jesus told Satan to step behind me. We, also have this power, we have the power of the holy ghost, we have to use it! We live by the spirit, our bodies are just temporary if you think of life in… Continue Reading… “Temptation”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 7, 2019

God bless Donna

God bless Donna right now!!!! Jesus is alive and living present in your life!!!! Hallelujah!!! God loves you!!! Thank you Jesus for blessing Donna everyday with strength and courage to make sound decisions in life. Jesus, Donna need you right now to help guide her in a direction to be safe. Her heart is set on moving to a safer location but she needs encouragement. Sometimes its hard to take that first step. Lord, put your hedge of protection around her and I pray that… Continue Reading… “God bless Donna”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 7, 2019

God bless Paul

God bless Paul this hour!!! Jesus is alive!!!! thank you Jesus for living in the presence of Paul each and every day. Heal Paul lord, heal his physical body, his affliction has brought great pain in his physical body, but his spirit sing songs of praise and hallelujah to your name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, no other name can save our soul. Jesus our savior, our hope, our king, our doctor. Thank you God for our life. God bless you Paul. Thank you Jesus for keeping… Continue Reading… “God bless Paul”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 7, 2019


Please pray i may be healed of chest and throat problems. Thanks

December 7, 2019


Please pray for my safety and welfare. I feel under attack by the enemy. Please pray that the enemy can not touch me in Jesus’s name. I rebuke and denounce the devil in Jesus’s name. I brake all vows I may have made willingly or unwillingly with the enemy! Please pray that I am shown and guided what to do right now, if I am to move and where to move to that will be safer and that I will be safe at all times… Continue Reading… “Protection”

Donna Price
December 2, 2019


Please pray for healing for chest and throat problems, thanks Paul. God bless

November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi pastor and all my wonderfull brothers and sisters at Universak Chuch!Please say a prayer for the local christian Rescue Mission which will be feeding and giving a message of hope to 500 homeless men women and children on Wednesday for Thanksging that souls would be saved and the LORD would be there in great power and love!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 11/25/19

November 25, 2019


Please pray i may be healed of chest and throat problems. Thanks paul

November 25, 2019

Our minds needs a blessing

God bless YOU!!!! Jesus is alive! thank you Jesus for loving us unconditionally even though our minds are on so many problems we have in our daily lives, getting up late for work, reports are past due, bills are piling up, our bodies are not as strong as it used to be, relationships failing, homes need repair. Jesus!!!! thank you for being in our life daily, thank you for protecting us when we can’t see it. Lord, your love brings so much joy to our… Continue Reading… “Our minds needs a blessing”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 24, 2019

God bless Bill

God bless Bill with strength and energy Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for your blessing upon Bill down through the years. Bill needs his energy to run his race here on earth. Thank you father God for guiding Bill on his purpose. Lord, sometimes we feel that life drains our physical and mental body, but our soul belongs to you. Help Bill, lord hear his prayer even if it’s only a whisper, I know that you our the God of our being. Thank you… Continue Reading… “God bless Bill”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 24, 2019

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