Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

God bless S.P.

God bless S.P. this hour, oh lord please forgive SP this hour and fill this spirit with the holy ghost. Lord, sometimes our flesh is so weak and need your strength to fight against these forces. Lord, please step in this person’s mind, and restore the life that SP was meant to live. God, take hold on this person’s soul, cleanse out the evil spirit that want to torment this person with sin. In Jesus name that SP is free, Thank you lord, thank you… Continue Reading… “God bless S.P.”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 2, 2020


Please pray that God would keep me in good health. Amen. Thanks

December 2, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, there’s this individual residing in the same street as I am, and is anyone willing to pray that this individual very soon repents of his sins including those associated with this individual please? Thank you.

November 30, 2020

Praise the LORD!

Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Universal Life church!For all those that prayed for the Homeless Thanksgiving dinner in Miami on Thanksgiving GOD heard and answered your prayers!How i wish you could have been there to see 300 homeless men women and children getting showers and hair cuts and clean clothes and a great Thanksgiving dinner all the while being witnessed to by the men in the program who had been where they are and not to give up that our GOD is… Continue Reading… “Praise the LORD!”

November 30, 2020

Jesus spoke to us in Parables (2) Lost Sheep

God bless YOU and thank you for following your heart unto the kingdom of God. Today, we see what’s going on around the world, each one have witnessed loved one’s dying from the pandemic. Jesus will not leave our side, we are the lost the sheep that wandered into the darkness. If you say, I’m not in darkness, this is the very reason why Jesus spoke in parables. Or, if you say I say my prayers every night, what are those prayers? Prayers should be… Continue Reading… “Jesus spoke to us in Parables (2) Lost Sheep”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 29, 2020

God Help Resist Temptation

God bless YOU S.P. right now, under the eye’s of our lord Jesus Christ YOU are saved! Trust and believe in him. oh lord forgive S.P. for doubting your word. Forgive S.P. for following his flesh, to turn away from your word. Lord, thank you for bringing S.P. to your throne of mercy and forgiveness. I know the power of the lord is in our heart. Read the bible and ask Jesus to come into your life with swiftness and restoration. When we fall to… Continue Reading… “God Help Resist Temptation”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 29, 2020


I am really struggling with the temptation to sin. Can you pray for me to focus on following God and fighting this temptation with everything I have.

November 29, 2020

God touch Adam’s heart and mind

God be with you Ayodam, oh lord please forgive Adam for not relying and giving you his burdens. Sometimes, it’s hard not to understand what other people go through. Lord, only you know the intent of Adams heart, and only you can give Adam a path of righteousness and grace. Thank you lord, thank you for your angels that help us each day, thank you for your blessing and your miracles in our life that we don’t realize that through you our life has meaning.… Continue Reading… “God touch Adam’s heart and mind”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 22, 2020

God bless Adam

God bless YOU, Adam for praying on behalf of those who has severe physical and medical issues. oh lord please bless Adam to continue to show compassion for others and pray on their behalf. Lord, although, Adam is trying his best to give hope in his heart for others, bless Adam with wisdom and healing in his own life. Lord, touch Adam, that he and his family is safe during this time in the pandemic. Thank you Jesus, thank you for giving Adam and heart… Continue Reading… “God bless Adam”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 22, 2020

Someone to repent given that he isn’t dying and also despite God can’t forcing someone to do something God wants him to do.

Anyone willing to pray that this baby like individual very very soon repents of his sins please given that nothing is really happening to him and given that he isn’t dying not today not even soon really. Thank you.

November 22, 2020

Prayer request

Hi, I saw one of these videos, one set of parents who have a 3 year old who has an oxygen tube in her throat. There’s someone with mental health problems and insomnia. Someone named Steve has cancer and someone named Julie has leg and back issues/ pain. Someone named Renee is undergoing chemo treatment for breast cancer. Is anyone willing to pray that God intervenes in their lives, they get healed and saved through Christ including those around them please? Thank you.

November 21, 2020

The parable of the living seed GODS word (1)

Thank you Jesus, thank you for coming to this site and getting the blessing of the lord. No matter what your going through in life, Jesus hears your prayer and he loves you so much. Thank you lord for giving this soul who is reading the understanding of the bible. The teachings of Jesus Christ is through parables and the question is why did Jesus speak to us in parables? well, for one thing is true before Jesus started his ministry healing and speaking he… Continue Reading… “The parable of the living seed GODS word (1)”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
November 20, 2020

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