Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall


Please pray God would heal my health conditions. Amen. Thanks paul

December 28, 2020

God bless Shaqunette

God bless Shaqunette with healing, Thank you lord, thank you for bringing Shaqunette to your throne of healing and restoration. lord touch her body with healing for right now she is very sick. let her lungs be rejuvenated and bring her out of this sickness. The lord is so wonderful, he is our savior, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for touching Shaqunette with love and mercy. Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died… Continue Reading… “God bless Shaqunette”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 27, 2020

God touch Sathish right now

God rebuke this soul right now oh lord please forgive this soul who has darkness in her heart. lord show her your mercy and glory. God is made of love, pure divine love. Please lord, give her another chance to carry her cross to salvation. In this day and time with the pandemic and people struggling to pay the rent there are so many people who need a helping hand including Sathish. Jesus thank you for being our humble savior, thank you lord thank you… Continue Reading… “God touch Sathish right now”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 27, 2020


Dear Lord: Please heal everyone who has been infected with the coronavirus. Give them all a swift and easy recovery. Please also protect everyone who hasn’t been infected with it yet. Amen.

December 25, 2020

The right path

I pray that Iĺl know the difference between right and wrong and that my moral compass will stay strong

December 22, 2020


Hi, Please keep me in your prayers I’ve been going through a 5 year gut issue that caused link of painful problems like gastritis, tmj, muscle and bone pain, dry eyes, and unfortunately more and I been going through a personal addiction issues I don’t want say.

December 21, 2020

I need to be healed of pneumonia

I am asking prayer that God will give me favor and heal my lungs of pneumonia. For he said where 2 or more agree in prayer. I am thankful for all that I do have.

December 21, 2020


let me depress people.please revenge??????!!!!!!!

December 20, 2020

God release Joseph H, from the chains of sin

Thank you lord, thank you lord, help Joseph, help Joseph right now. Lord, break the bondage of sin from Joseph. Jesus your word and promise say that YOU will not leave us or forsake us. Right now the devil got a hold of Joseph, release him Satan in the blood of Jesus. oh lord, what a wonderful God you are to keep Joseph safe, I know so much could have happened, but your love for his parents; you gave Joseph another chance to give his… Continue Reading… “God release Joseph H, from the chains of sin”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 19, 2020

God bless E

God bless you, E right now with healing and restoration Sometimes it’s hard to learn the word of God, mostly because we don’t understand it. Jesus, is speaking to you E to get to know the word of our lord. He loves you and will give you visions about goodness and happiness. In our society to we are faced with uncertainty with jobs, the virus, paying rent, just so much on our plate. Even with all this going on around us, keep our minds on… Continue Reading… “God bless E”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 19, 2020

Parable of the Seed growing Secretly

God bless YOU!!! right now…The lord is talking to you at this very moment. Jesus loves you and so do I. Lord, bless this person with forgiveness and peace. Sometimes we have so many feeling growing inside of us, until we get angry or we turn our backs. Jesus help us not to lose sight of our lord and savior. Thank you Jesus for bringing this soul to your throne of wisdom and salvation. Today, lets talk about Parables. Jesus spoke to us in parables… Continue Reading… “Parable of the Seed growing Secretly”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
December 19, 2020


URGENT AND IMPORTANT PRAYER REQUEST Please pray immediately right now for God to touch Joseph Haokip because his parents are unable to control him due to addiction of alcohol and other things .He is not listening to anyone but trying to run away and behave like a wild Beast and created much problems in the family. His behavior is strange and it is very dangerous for all people, there is no option for his parent but to approach the Prayer Warriors .It hurts his parents’… Continue Reading… “TRANSFORMATION AND IMMEDIATE HEALING FROM ADDICTIONS”

Dr.Ngamkholal Haokip
December 17, 2020

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