Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
My friend’s granddaughter is 13 years old and has had a break from reality. She is in a facility and could use your prayers for recovery.
pleas epray for 30 cats wo stayed at shutdown plant. for cats in the market, campus, on pedestrian street and by the station to gte a food, water regularly, be safe and prptected and get a home. Thanks
(URGENT) Hi, there’s a woman named Sarah I believe who has breast cancer. Doctors have told her that she has a few months to live. Please pray for her healing and salvation (if she’s truly not saved) including salvation of those around Sarah. Thank you so much.
Please pray that God would keep me in good health, amen. Thanks. Paul
God bless Sue this hour, oh lord hear Sue’s prayer for restoration of our country and forgiveness. Lord, please pour out your blessing on Sue, she was able to pray for our country. Jesus you are so beautiful, your love is so strong that your name will forever be on my tongue. Jesus heal Sue to trust YOU!!! trust in God, although we are caught in this storm pandemic, no one can stop our faith, or to stop our hope in the lord will return… Continue Reading… “God bless Sue”
God bless you this hour to pray for healing. There are several different healing’s in prayer. First, Jesus started preaching the gospel and healing physically all those who were disabled. Let’s start with healing who are disabled, diseased, and mental illness. There were 10 lepers and Jesus healed them and they ran away, one of them came back and said thank you lord. When Jesus showed the disciples miracles and raised the dead. Jesus waited for the body to decay. This was to show people… Continue Reading… “Prayer for healing”
Dear Lord, Please forgive me for my sins and past transgressions. I wish to wholeheartedly return to you. Please teach me how to forgive myself and others. I want to be better for You and for the people around me. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, please bring our country together and bring healing and peace. Let more people come to know the love and saving power of Jesus Christ. In His Most Excellent Name of Jesus Christ I ask this.
Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Universal Lifw church!Words cannot describe what a blessing it is to be lying homeless at 74 under a dangerous highway bridge at night knowing someone is praying for you so please keep me in prayer it is saving my life!
Hi, there’s a 10 month old child who may be suffering from a genetic disorder, there’s a 6 month old baby in ICU and there’s another child named Caith who has an abnormal sac of fluid or brain tissue that extends through a detect in her skull. Plus there’s God knows how many others suffering from various diseases/ illnesses like Covid, blood cancer and others. There’s one person who has anxiety issues, there are those in ICU, there are those who have seizures and another… Continue Reading… “Prayer request (Healing needed)”
Thank you Jesus for bringing Daniel to your throne of prosperity and blessings. Oh lord, make Daniels path visible for him, the light upon his feet. Jesus, thank you for your everlasting promise that we shall inherit eternal life. Lord, help Daniel to keep focus on your word, and bring upon his head miracles and beauty that only you father God can give us. Thank you lord for your trust and undivided love to help us, to strengthen our spirit. Jesus continue to be our… Continue Reading… “God bless Daniel”
Just wish a situation would turn around. It’s tough and unfair. Wish it would just work out fair