Prayer Requests

Do you have someone you can pray for today?

Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?

We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.

Read our Community Prayer Wall below.

Community Prayer Wall

Prayers for my Mental Health

I ask the Lord to help improve my mental health and to help me get rid of the dark thoughts that are clouding my mind.

March 3, 2023

Prayers for the United States

Dear Heavenly father I just humbly ask for you to place your hedge of protection around all of our citizens and our current and former Government officials . The United States leaders desperatly need your devine wisdom at this time . Minister: William J Garrett

March 1, 2023

Hopes of love and healing

In times of sadness and stress, love is our guiding light. It is my hope, that my best friend Matthew, gets through these tough times. I also hope that he realizes that he will always have me and my love to get him through it all. Our care for each other runs deep. May love follow just the same.

February 24, 2023

For the perfect job very soon

Please pray God blesses me in the next 3 weeks with the PERFECT job, with an awesome salary, minimal stress & most importantly, that I love & excel at it immediately. I pray I’m loved, respected, supported & valued by everyone there right away & have excellent job security. I pray I’m hired practically on the spot & that I love going to work every day & truly shine. I pray that, after years of false starts, disappointments & almosts, this job is what God… Continue Reading… “For the perfect job very soon”

February 24, 2023


I pray the Lord forgives me of my sins and guides me to do the right things. I pray for happiness for my friends and family.

February 22, 2023

Good relationships

I pray for forgiveness of my current sins and to create good relationships with myself and others

February 21, 2023

Pray for forgiveness

I pray for forgiveness and good relationships with others

Claire Walsh
February 21, 2023

God Bless Paul with Healing

God bless Paul this morning, Oh lord, Paul is suffering right now with multiple health issues. Jesus, our lord, and savior full of mercy and restoration touch Paul right now. Thank you Jesus for keeping Paul over the years. Thank you Jesus for bringing hope and rejuvenation. Lord, each day brings us closer to your kingdom in heaven. Bring life to Paul, give light where there is darkness in his life. Heal his body and mind with the holy spirit. Let the holy spirit take… Continue Reading… “God Bless Paul with Healing”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
February 21, 2023


forgive me for being a jerk

February 19, 2023


Please pray God would heal me of various health complaints. Amen. thanks

February 19, 2023


I am struggling to forgive people that caused my company great financial hardship

February 17, 2023

God Bless Anon – Turkey and Syria

God is here!!! God is blessing Turkey and Syria right now. God help the souls who are calling out to you right now. Lord, hear the prayers of all those who speak your name. Thank you, lord for giving Anon the mind and heart to pray for these countries that are suffering. Sometimes these issues runs generational, but God knows how our human mind and heart are weak which causes misunderstandings between one another. Lord, open the heavens and pour out your blessing upon these… Continue Reading… “God Bless Anon – Turkey and Syria”

Senior Chaplain Melaney
February 17, 2023

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