Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
God Bless YOU!!!!! Let the word of the lord give you light and understanding. Rejoice in his mercy and let your hope bring you to salvation. You have been blessed today and forever by the promise of the lord. God is light and his light will abound in YOUR life. Hope is a powerful word and devotion to our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bring your burdens to his altar of forgiveness and restoration. Be born again and let the angels sing upon the heavens.… Continue Reading… “Rejoice in hope”
I pray that if it’s God’s will that R is very interested in me romantically and takes me on a date very soon. Thank you.
i don’t know why, i feel rejected and shame to God. there is a deep pain in my heart, it is too painful .and i want/need ‘anointing of relationship’ very much. will pray for me increase in ‘wisdom in favor with God and people?’ but most of all, i need intimate relationship with Jesus, Yeshua, so,so,so bad.
God bless R right now with the almighty healing hands Jesus, thank you for holding the hands of R who have lived a life of laughter, hard work, and being a provider for his family. Right now, his family holds on to that love of a man who needs your divine intervention. Let the heavens open and shower the blessings of healing and restoration for R. Father God your judgment is just, bless everyone in this family. Lord, let R hold your hand in comfort,… Continue Reading… “God Bless R with healing”
God bless Joseph who is grieving for his father Thank you Jesus for blessing Joseph’s father who is now in your humble arms in heaven. Thank you Jesus for saving this family, thank you lord for giving life to a father that was well-loved. Jesus is our savior and protector who will continue to bring blessing within your heart and mind. Lord, restore this family with peace. Thank you Jesus for forgiving the sins of this family and the hurts of the past. Lord, cover… Continue Reading… “God bless Joseph”
God bless your brother now and forever Father God look upon this soul who is in need of physical healing and spiritual healing. Jesus, thank you for all you have done down through the years in this person’s life. Give the breath of life so every part of his being is covered by your blood. Thank you Jesus for holding this person’s hand while he undergoes treatment. Thank you, Lord, for surrounding this person with love from his family and the ultimate divine love from… Continue Reading… “Healing Rev. Jacobs”
God bless you with his word and promise Oh lord, look upon this heart that is battling with the sin of the flesh. Father God, bless this soul for you have known him before the womb and we all have sinned. Jesus is our savior and we are covered by his blood. His blood is the sacrifice so our faith grows in his likeness. Thank you, Lord, for giving this soul a newness of life in your kingdom. Lord, unbind the chains of sin that… Continue Reading… “Temptation to sin and lack of faith”
I Pray for healing for total restoration for RB Donald Jacob’s brother my son Jonathan my friend Casey moore JR his family and for all other prayer requests on this prayer wall I Jesus name I pray amen Minister Mark
We have been ill, one thing or another for so long and I am growing weary and sad. Please help with healing and peace of mind and a long, happy healthy life. Amen
Lord, please heal R. He is aging quickly and in some discomfort. We all love him so much and need him to be comfortable and live long, and well. Amen
Please pray for my father who passed away on June 4th 2023 in California. He was a member of the knights of Columbus. His name is Donald Smith and he was 70. He had a long battle with cancer and other health problems. Thank you and God bless.