Do you have someone you can pray for today?
Are you are in need of prayer service for yourself or for loved ones?
We invite you to share your prayer request here, and to pray with those who have submitted prayer requests.
Read our Community Prayer Wall below.
God bless Vanity right now, Oh lord, hear the words of Vanity’s spirit which is unsettled. Lord, relight the fire in Vanity’s life and help her hold on to the faith of being a Christian. Jesus is with you Vanity, Jesus will protect you as well as nourish your mind with the holy prayer for restoration. Thank you, Lord, for carrying Vanity daily, thank you for touching her mind and taking all the worry that is burdening her. Lord, step in Vanity’s life and give… Continue Reading… “God Bless Vanity with restoration, strength and courage”
Please pray God would heal my toothache. Amen. Thanks
Pray that Abba Father put a repentance spirit in Anecia Sabage and to open her eyes to the truth.
I was let go last Thursday at work. Both superiors were laughing about this. I had an interview the previous day; it was internal. I need God’s favor for me to get a job offer for a counselor position. In my current job, they bullied and harassed me the whole time I was working there. I told HR that nothing was done. I only worked at the job for two months, and they gave me a bad evaluation and lied about me on the evaluation.
Please pray for wisdom & salvation for my son Jon Christian & his new wife Morgan. They don’t speak to me but I pray God sends someone into their lives who loves Jesus to mentor them & keep them close to the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 54:13 the Lord promises me all my children will be taught by the Lord & great will be their peace
God bless you EA today and forever, Oh lord, hear the prayer and agony of EA who prays for the love of her ill father. Jesus stepped in and healed the mind of Ea’s father and gave him peace of mind and a content heart as he witnessed his eyes fading day by day but his soul will rejoice in the lord our God. God restored Ea’s mental health at this moment, rejuvenating her will and her spirit to see the miracles around her. God… Continue Reading… “God Bless the UnGodly for (Ea)”
Pray that the spirits of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness out of Anecia that she has towards me (Jamal) and that our friendship will be restored back to me immediately with peace and love, so that I can continue helping her in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please pray for my 82 year old parents they have so many health & financial problems & they are having anxiety & depression over problems . Please also pray 4 my entire family & family of origin they disobey God all the time & need to face consequences. for their actions & 4 my family’s health God knows.I will pray 4 U 2 !!
We need a prayer request for Mrs. Allen and Ms. Wiseman. These two managers have been picking on me. They took my office, and I’m new to the job and on probation. All this is because of jealousy. Mrs. Allen also threatened to fire me if I didn’t do well in my evaluation. This is not right at all. They keep picking on me. I need a prayer request for Mrs. Allen and Ms. Wiseman. These two managers have been picking on me. They took… Continue Reading… “favor”
We need a prayer request for Mrs. Allen and Ms. Wiseman. These two managers have been picking on me. They took my office, and I’m new to the job and on probation. All this is because of jealousy. Mrs. Allen also threatened to fire me if I didn’t do well in my evaluation. This is not right at all. They keep picking on me. I need a prayer request for Mrs. Allen and Ms. Wiseman. These two managers have been picking on me. They took… Continue Reading… “favor”
Dear Prayer Warriors: My urgent prayer request is to put to a stop everyone who wants me to experience or go through every thing that they have gone through and or going through, and to protect every from this. Thank you for your time. Ann
I need a prayer request for Mrs. Allen and Ms. Wiseman. These two managers have been picking on me. They took my office, and I’m new to the job and on probation. All this is because of jealousy. Mrs. Allen also threatened to fire me if I didn’t do well in my evaluation. This is not right at all. I need justice to get my office back and for God to move them. I feel so embarrassed because my office is gone, and some of… Continue Reading… “Justice”