mark 45

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Everything posted by mark 45

  1. i actually was drunk when i applied for was about 3 days later that i discovered what i had done. since then,i have conducted a few marriages,and almost 1 funeral(that is a long story).most of my work is what ever the people who approach me need.some just want to talk,others have serious questions we try to explore.noone asks about who did my ordanation,so i don't bother telling them(anymore).
  2. you can be ordained thru the church in medesto.just sign up for it at this site,or the hq takes a couple of days before you get notified. i do not know the laws of your country,so i do not know if your government would recognize it.
  3. something about the 12 steps? tried to take this off board,but i cannot pm you.
  4. how long do you have before the wedding,and i think it best that any assistance be given off board.while it os an interesting subject,things have a way of getting lost.
  5. and so you believe. but if this is what you are offering as proof,you have a long way to go.i don't see how you can prove that which does not exist.
  6. actually key said it right.just send a request to modesto hq,along with a donation($5.00 is nice if you need it notarized).in about a month(if that long)you'll have your letter of good standing. strange,notarization is usually a state requirement.hq has a lists of the states that require it.
  7. quick answer,most males are color blind,and may not see certain colors,but they have eyes.and most males do not realize they are color blind till someone points it out.
  8. thank you bro has been a very long time since new york was talked about. i suspected nothing changed,new york is one of the hardest places to get a permit to conduct marriage(especially if you are ulc).while i have no plans to officiate a wedding there,i can't say it would never happen.
  9. while it is about time,is the law changing for new york state,and even more so,for new york city?
  10. with a catholic,there is nothing your going to say if your not a priest,period,that they will accept. the best you can do is offer them a blessing,in the name of the father,son and holy spirit.other than that,continue to do what you believe to be right. keep in mind this advice comes from an atheist.
  11. ( And West Virginia is "almost Heaven") according to the late john denver.
  12. as my path is one of buddhism(among other things),i "believe"in reincarnation,but i cannot prove it happens.
  13. west virginia is heaven?all right then. the sites you list are all fundamental christian sites.if that is what someone is looking for,then they will do(as memory serves me).
  14. i knew someone else would say it better.i to do not worship.
  15. only available in kevins(.net)book store,as far as i know.i do not believe amy sells it at this time.
  16. this proves what?that you believe in angels?that's fine for you.
  17. still having problems accessing it.seems i'm being told the forum doesn't exist. i just use one of the backdoor sites or google and eventually find it again.does look different tho.
  18. they are well,thank you. i guess it has been that long since you took a different direction on your path.thank you for answering my question.
  19. i'm a little curious about that also have changed"paths" a couple of times that i know of. and von,it's always great seeing you my friend.
  20. there is a place here that has the same type of ministry,called sacred waters.something along that lines might work for you.
  21. you aren't serious are you?murder,slavery and pedophilia are ok by society's standards?is that why"15 will get you 30,or more?" and according to the bible,it's ok to kill people who are accused of being have no problem with that?