mark 45

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Everything posted by mark 45

  1. batman didn't have super powers,just some neat toys.
  2. tried to find a video from new zeeland concerning a gathering of the"gods"(did you know l ron hubbard is considered a god?)anyway,can't find it. but as jonathon would say,"the gods are allusary.but when we ask they help anyway".(i still think it's a line of bull,but whatever).
  3. not something i would personally do,but i can't knock what they choose.
  4. relax von,even the dali lama would have found it funny.a statue of the buddha is not like a statue of a saint(actually it is but i'm not going to get into a discussion about that).it's use besides decoration is maybe a focal i said before buddhists can and do celebrate any holiday they choose,just not(usually)the traditions that go with it. if someone doesn't like it,smile and walk away.
  5. tich naht hahn in his book,"peace is every step"suggests this.and he also teaches the short time"drive thru method".
  6. i can't say it any better than what cuchulain did.however,from a buddhist stand point,while we can(and do)celebrate any holiday we choose,it doesn't mean that the traditions that come along with it are celebrated. i have just had this discussion with someone who was trying to do something i did not want(ie:it involved christmas music)and i tried to say no thanks politely.the response was not so polite.
  7. interesting question von,but you did say the"religious folk"so i'll stay out.
  8. christmas is *not*one of my holidays i celebrate(but any holiday that involves food i am good with ).i do however like giving presents to my sisters(and my sister in law),and my nieces and great isn't a lot,but they seem to like it.that and it's my husbands favorite thing to do.same for birthdays. as for myself,i buy what i need if i need it(or really think i do),so i really don't want are cool tho.
  9. interesting thought,but not practical.and as mererdog said,"the universe is short of guaranteed futures."
  10. me too. but think about it von.according to one of the stories in the bible,merchants were driven out of the temple.seems it is ok now. whether or not it should be is decided by the property owners and the franchise operating said facility(s).and really,there is no free lunch,even in a mega church.
  11. maybe,he did not know,nor did it was your choice to make.
  12. we invite people to come,if they wish.this year we will have a couple of"new"guests.yes we know all of them,but they are free to invite someone else(just let us know so we can set up an extra plate.)
  13. strangly enough,i like chinese.but i also like japanese,korean,thai,cambodian,and food from sri i have also had indian i'm not sure where that puts me. i do like the magic underwear ex wouldn't,but oh well.
  14. a lot is going to depend on what the couple wants.there are several different books available(send me a pm and i'll list some of them for you),as well as your personal beliefs. i follow a buddhist path,so mine tend to be in that sense.but if the couple wants something different,i will accommodate accordingly(most couples want little to no "religion"from me so it is not a problem).
  15. don't know about where you live.but in indiana and michigan,if you leave your body to science(or medical school),you cannot be an organ donor.however,the state or the medical school will provide a cremation for your relatives(or survivors)free of charge,once they are done with your body. i am a any organ donor on my drivers license,and my medical power of attorney. although i like the idea of being admitted to harvard medical.
  16. i hadn't thought of that.the body does go back to the earth.the rest is theory.
  17. i wondered if you would start a new topic based on this,and you didn't disappoint . spiritual re- cyclist?i am a"salad bar buddhist"(wish i could remember who i got that from),so no,nothing spiritual.but i do hold to the belief(can't think of a better word at the moment)of "re-cycling". who knows von,we may meet up on the next trip around. just to be sure,you are referring to reincarnation,not transmigration?
  18. how do you know they are liars? or better yet,what is truth?
  19. i admit that if the plate is cracked,i toss sense someone using it and having it break on you.just seems logical.