mark 45

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Everything posted by mark 45

  1. i have no problem with looking for knowledge from wherever.saddly,this is not universal.
  2. when i was living in germany,most of my dreams were in german.that was a good thing,as when i talked in my sleep,unless those around me were more fluent than i was/am,i couldn't be understood.if it happens now,i'm not sure what is being said.i've lost what i remember when awake.
  3. box top?have'nt been called that yet. people are what they are.
  4. “Purity or impurity depends on oneself, No one can purify another.” ― Gautama Buddha
  5. i have 2,one from my friend pete in the uk: "may that which stregthens you,sustain you. may that which lights your way,ever guide you. may that which brings you happiness,be always with you. and may love and peace never be a stranger to you." the other one was sent to me by a retired notre dame professor(also a friend of mine): "my wish for you" "where there is pain,i wish you peace and mercy.where there is self doubting,i wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it.where there is tiredness or exhaustion,i wish you understanding,patience,and renewed strength.where there is fear,i wish you love,and courage."(author unknown to me)
  6. as i remember,an "el"is a leader in the nation of least they were when i worked in the prisons in michigan.i didn't know they believed in a messiah,execpt maybe louis farhakan.
  7. “Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
  8. hope all continues to improve murph. the emoitional toll is going to be the worst to deal with.
  9. i took one course from hq(masters of religion?)which gave me some insight into kirby and the church(was he a nut?well,he got things done differently than most folks,and lived out his dream),and 2 courses from the seminary.the masters of budhism i really enjoyed,although the new course of the same name is much better than the one i took.the doctor of spirituality was a waste of my time and money.however some people seem to understand and enjoy it. if the course is still available,i would like to take the comparative religion course.
  10. a wizard is a totally different type of practioner?
  11. my understanding is that a book of shadows is a private journal owned by the maker,therefore not a bible in that sense.
  12. i am not going to judge any religion,or someones belief in it.whether the are right or wrong is not for me to decide.i live around people who don't agree with me,and that's fine. i know a few people who identify as"christo-wiccan"and are quite chem down,they omfortable with it.bit if you were to try to pin they are more comfortable with the wiccan part. by the way,maybe you should learn a little more about satanism.
  13. and in some schools of buddhism,said"christ "is one of many buddhas. as an atheist,i have no problems with the teachings of universal love that are alleged to have been from him.but i have a major problem with the beliefs of some of his"followers".
  14. i read thru this and realized i hadn't responded.then again,yahoo isn't wanting to let me either. anyhow,i come here because i have learned so much over the years,and hope to continue to.
  15. actually murph,pick a day that has special meaning to you,and then decide if you want to stop,i got pissed at obama,so 4 years ago,i stopped.however,there hasn't been a day go by where i haven't questioned that decision. i can only hope that things get better at home for you.
  16. nobody on here was being rude,just not responding the way you thought they should.big difference.
  17. ok.i read the whole article,found it interesting,but i already agree with it anyway. was more curious about your thoughts on it.
  18. our words should be carefully chosen for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or for ill. the buddha