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So, from my exalted throne on Mount Adminpus, I gaze down upon you mortals, and I'm pleased, but puzzled. (end joking)

I'm curious. Many of you know that I've been admin here for almost 5 years. In that time we've gone from ~600 members to almost 7000.

Obviously, many of our members don't return, or have found other interests, or whatever. But, we do have a suprisingly large contingent, at least to me, of people who have made this their "home" forum of choice.

Why is that? What keeps you coming back? Why ya'll like it here?

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I enjoy the wide range of perspectives here and feel comfortable with the very tolerant and intelligent members who grace these halls.

I feel the Mods and Gods keep a good handle on things and allow folks to be themselves. They are not too strict and not too lax all at the same time.

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Guest moonrider
  Fawzo said:
<Fawzo handing moonrider a tissue>

You have a little something on your nose there.

Thanks...I guess its time for a bath again (already?)

...We now return you to the originally scheduled program, already in progress...

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Guest Angel1
  murphzlaw1 said:
So, from my exalted throne on Mount Adminpus, I gaze down upon you mortals, and I'm pleased, but puzzled. (end joking)

I'm curious. Many of you know that I've been admin here for almost 5 years. In that time we've gone from ~600 members to almost 7000.

Obviously, many of our members don't return, or have found other interests, or whatever. But, we do have a suprisingly large contingent, at least to me, of people who have made this their "home" forum of choice.

Why is that? What keeps you coming back? Why ya'll like it here?

For in search of G.d, all ends are right, and meaningful.......for in the search, one may find the perfection that is meant for the searcher......and is pleasing to the spirit.

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I like that there are a lot of people here who, when we disagree on issues they consider important, are willing to try to show me where they think I got it wrong, rather than just tell me I am wrong, maybe cast a few aspersions about my character, and eventually demand that the subject be dropped. I have found that to be a fairly rare thing...

Edited by mererdog
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I enjoy being here for all of the interesting and controversial topics and because people here, are really trying to understand one another and the differences in paths, but also the similarities in their's and others belief's and views on a wide range of mortal and immortal ways and thinking.... :shift:

It is also a place to get information that can be, and is useful to each of us in our everyday lives, that we try to understand.... :thumbu:

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The ULC forum is a place where I can make a post and not have to endure a lot of profanity and silliness from others who post here. People here have strong enough ability for thought to at least be able to form a conversation without (too often) using belligerence as their only weapon.

And sometimes some of the threads get to be very humorous, I like that it can be done without the vulgarity of many forums.

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I like it here for the simple reason that I can post a question or opinion and others will reply respectfully and even give advice as to how to continue. On other forums I saw some disrespectful things and life is too short for that kind of stuff.

Granted, I haven't been a member here for very long, but so far I like what I see :thumbu:

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