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Everything posted by Youch

  1. Am I? No. It just does not make any natural sense to be so. Animals in nature are not pacifists. They are survivalists, desiring to survive even at the sake of others. Determining if humans consider "God" to be a pacifist is an odd question. Humans cannot even agree on a God, much less what he/she/it thinks/feels/does.
  2. And THAT has become a major problem in the world and an effective tool for politicians.
  3. Peace has never existed anywhere in human history, nor anywhere in nature. To be a pacifist, one must also be an idealist and utopianist and distance themselves from narture....they must embrace fabrications distant from nature. While I applaud the intentions of the pacifist, I must also caution their naivete of the realities of the world. Our enemies in the world, here and abroad, LOVE the fact that American's are increasingly and dangerously emotionally tied to this weak, unnatural, self-destructive pacifist notion.
  4. Wanna learn something?? Wisdom takes time. It is up to you.....
  5. Never eat a troll?? Its been years, but I know I am close...... I prefer, Nolite Umquam Oblivisci, but your mileage may vary....
  6. I thought you could chop wood like nobody's business? Sorry to hear you have health issues. I guess we all have more and more of those as we get older. Old sucks..... Boo to old......
  7. I speak cat, apparently! I have an amazing connection with my felines. It is weird. They know me as much as I know them. The smarter the cat, the better the connection...
  8. Funny post and topic. My Bengal seems to like toilet paper and laser pointers.......
  9. Josh's point not withstanding, it (human creation) ultimately lead to the Enlghtenment. Which lead to the Industrial Revolution. Which lead to increasing rates of liberation for most humans around the world. I'm reminded of the Country lyric that says, and pardon the religious reference, "God bless this broken road that led me straight to you." Not even a religion can hold back the aggregate minds of human beings. Let's hope this comes true sooner rather than later in the more relevent modern Muslim World. I find it fascinating when liberals talk about historical suppression and oppression, largely in the context of religion of course, yet endlessly vote for it in the political context. Freedom from religions oppression on the one hand, supress freedom of self-determination on the other. PURE DYSFUNCTION!! No offense meant.....
  10. I tell myself that dozens of times a day....... Thanks, Bro K!
  11. Me too.... Good luck and continued perseverance!!!
  12. Yep, he lived and he died..... A good actor, a good conservative, a good American....
  13. Follow the US Constitution and equality under the law would be had by all. What is more just than that??? Liberals almost always lean toward class warfare, which leaves everyone unequal. Tis reality......
  14. You forgot the most pervailing and damaging *ism.
  15. Are you ever able to see past your resentment, envy and fear to understand that other people have faith and understanding in things that matter to them aside from your envy, resentment and fear?? Thanks Man!!!
  16. The assumption here is SELF control, of course. We certainly do not want government to control any aspect of our lives beyond the bare minimum to have cognizance over our social contract.
  17. If the KKK wants to adopt a portion of highway for the purposes of keeping it clean, I have to problem with it. The point would be, KEEP IT CLEAN. If they cannot, or if they push their bigotry upon others, then discard them from the public books and from the register of "dogooders." Beyond that, regarding the idea of being "tolerant of the intolerant"....... I must say I am not tolerant of the intolerant, in general terms. Liberals, the height and epitome of intolerance, are only a threat to my family and future and, no, I don't tolerate them.......they are a threat. Most of them don't know this, as they have not a clue as to the impact or history of their emotional-based ideology, which only makes their vote and ignorance that much more of a threat. No doubt about it......
  18. Excellent. I am not so fortunate to have "lime, blood and bone" but I do always provide a fish 6" under every plant. This year, however, in the Pacific North West, we've not yet had the sun and warmth to facilitate much of a crop of much of anything......oh well, comes with the territory from time to time...
  19. Why not just use the phone as a phone and speak with your son? Both of you have much to gain from talking with each other..... I hate texting.... And I don't do Facebook... My wife does, and that is the focule of many of our discussions....
  20. Everyone, at various points in time, need an external crutch. The same can be said for the need of many for religion. Perhaps you can do as I did, and substitute the addiction to something helpful or benign. In full confession, I suffer a similar thing. I am working on my own advice, but is is so freakin' hard.....I keep failing! I am hoping Father's Day will be significant enough for me to use it as a milestone or point of demarkation. We'll see......