mark 45

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Everything posted by mark 45

  1. may you recieve love,joy and peace hermano luis.
  2. there is a comparsion being made between illegal conduct(sexual harrasment)and discussing religion.i pose this,can your employeer asking you to keep your religious discussions off the job or job site in some way affect your life,employment or mental health in the same way as sexual harresment?if you've never been thru it,you have no idea what your throwing out as an example.i have been and lost a job because of affects so many parts of a persons life,that some who are subjected to it have commited suicide. religion on the other hand can be annoying, used as an excuse to be rude,or not get a task your employeer wants done,but to the best of my knowledge,noone has lost a job,or commited suicide because of being asked not to discuss it at work. that is the difference between the i dis agree with the comment about staying quiet.
  3. based on what you showed(and this is not legal advice)you would be correct.however,since you already preformed the ceremony(and i am guessing,officated same)it's a little late to ask now. i don't know what the penalities are in your state for doing that without authorization,but in some states,it can be quite strict,and can cause the couple all kinds of grief.the time to check all that out is before you officate,not after. just as an aside,personal observation only:the states that have other requirements usually spell that out in their states laws.a check of your states website would confirm that.some counties have their requirements also,so it's a good idea to check with the county clerks office if you have further questions.just identify yourself as a new minister,and you were wondering what if any requirements they had concerning officating.dress professional,and chances are,if it isn't in the state laws(after you look them up and read them)then it isn't a county thing either.but as i said,this is not legal advice,and only worth what you paid for it.
  4. as the story goes,it was allegedly said by christ to the people asking him who they were supposed to obey. as i remember,he is to have said"give to ceaser what belongs to him..."
  5. the "freedom of religion"people seem to scream about has nothing to do with an employeer(per say).it has to do with the prohibitation of the government establishing or supporting a relligion,period. now,can an employeer get in trouble by supporting one religion(ie:sundays off for christians),but not other days for others?mabye.however,it takes more than"that's not fair".what planet do people live on where fair has anything to do with anything?
  6. oh sifu,

    in each life a little rain will fall.some days it will feel like the sky opened up and peed on you.but we survive.welcome back.

  7. why do people read more into a law than what's there.there is no regrestration in is one of the easier states to preform a marrige in(texas being the easiest).if you read the state laws,which apperantly wasn't the case,you will find out some good information,which is what i did when i moved here from michigan.
  8. i wasn't aware that ulc ministers in canada were allowed to perform any legal marrige ceremonies.if you mean other services,such as baptism,funerals and non legal marrige ceremonies,yes you can. i would check with your provencial government about that,but that is what i'm given to understand.
  9. glad someone has seen rev calli.he is still very wise,and missed.
  10. i've been reading this thread and am lost.i thought ranadan started in december,and ended just before christmas?and somewhere eid was involved.
  11. if what your saying is correct,then i should be a capricorn,not an aquarius.i have no idea of what planets,moon position,or sun was on my birthdate. astrology,espically western,is at best a wild guess.there is noone who can predict the future.probibility is as close as their going to get.
  12. i gave up trying to access them for lent.
  13. as i read it,you are covered under the if your concerned about the"good standing" part,write to hq,enclose a small donation and have them write you a letter of good standing.not requried,but if it did go to court,that is just one more piece of evidence in your favor. and as mr taylor said,i'd do it for them.but that's me.
  14. i'd just bring a laptop.course it being a penal colony,they would probably only have dial up.but i would have access to anything i pretty much wanted.
  15. if you were in the state of illnois,and all the paper work is/was done properly,then there is no problem.unlike wisconsin,the counties don't make the rules as they go along,or require letters of sponsorship and the like.just keep records of when and what you did,that way if it should ever come up in court,you can verify your time go to the states web site and read up on the marrige laws for the's a lot less of a headache.
  16. and your still listed as condolunces or congrats as is appropriate.
  17. i have ie7 on both of my computers,and there seems to be a problem with salems profile,it lists her as a male.
  18. from what i gather about arizona,we are recognized,so preforming a marrige ceremony there under the law is not a problem,provided you follow the laws.go to your states website and click on the marrige laws.after an hour of your eyes going in and out of focus,you should find what your looking for. i think(not to often,it gives me a headache)that you are setting up more hurdles for yourself than are there. as far as a letter of good standing,you write to ulc hq and request one.give them the date of your ordanation,and inclose a donation to cover costs(not requried,unless it's for a noterized copy,and i don't believe arizona requries one)and you'll get it in about 2 weeks.this is really only requried for states that require regrestration(and nyc),or other groups that require proof of ordanation,and a certificate is not is also good for requesting a letter of sponsership in an area such as wisconsin. personelly,if you wish to talk to other ministers,do so,but don't be suprised if they don't know what your talking about.your states government website is a good place to start,then the county clerks office. hope you find what your looking for.
  19. i wasn't aware arizona requried registeration.last i knew they didn't.unless it's a county requirement,which it doesn't sound like.
  20. and saddly i hear it fronm believers in real life,and not just christians.
  21. as strange as lake county is,no you are not requried to register. as far as the bride,i would check with the county clerks office on that.she can ask when they go pick up the license.
  22. and by your own statement,you have shown why religion and scince cannot co exist.scince will change as evidence is presented.religion will not no matter how much evidence is presented. keep in mind theory that can prove the same results each time is fact.religion and faith require a belief,and most often with nothing to back it up.