mark 45
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Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
mark 45 replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
suggest you contact an attorney with that one.i do not think that is going to protect you from anything.if someone decides to sue you,trust me they will file.whether they succeed or not is a different story. statements like that in a service contract show more that one is unsure of themselves than anything. -
Prayer For Westboro Baptist Church
mark 45 replied to RevRainbow's topic in Prayer & Good Wishes Archive
why?i don't believe it would change them one bit.it would just push the agenda that being gay is a choice and can be changed. maybe they should learn the true meaning of love,even for just a week. -
Prayer For Westboro Baptist Church
mark 45 replied to RevRainbow's topic in Prayer & Good Wishes Archive
coming form me you may find this strange,but rev rainbow,i can no more tell them what and how to believe anymore than i can you.nor would i try. i do not agree with the inbreeds at westboro,and feel if they want to preach their message of hate(which they have the right to do)they should keep it within the confines of their building.those who want to believe like that can come to them. prayer to me is nothing more than talking to the air.there is noone to hear them.however,if it should happen that a hail storm opens on them,well,so be it. -
courses thru the seminary are added on an average of one or two every three months.they are not the same as those offered thru hq. if your interested in looking follow this link: www.ulcseminary.org/forum
as was stated,the seminary is affilated with the ulc hq in modesto. that said,the courses offered there are offered thru that site,and hq knows about them.in the same respect,the courses offered here are not listed with seminary,but hq ok's them. at this point"credit"for a course from hq cannot be applied to seminary and vice versa.in answer to your question(and dorian can answer this better)the degrees at seminary are recognized in california,the information for it available here: Click here to see the Seminary Listed on the State of California's Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education website :thum: sorry,not able to make the above a link,but thatis where the information is.
for what it's worth: he needs to get his passport and visa renewed first.if he is found illegal in another country,he could find himself in hotter water than he wants to be in.foreign jails are not fun!then he needs to contact a lawyer stateside to find out his options.and yes,he needs to make arrangements to pay the man.
just make sure he fills out the license correctly(and you guys do the same). i am from michigan,and had no problems doing a ceremony(and no problem from st.joe county).
i would go to the ulc monisters list for the area and see who is listed. try http://www.ulcseminary.org/ulcdirectory.php
Are You Responsible For Your Thoughts And Dreams?
mark 45 replied to Fawzo's topic in Philosophy & Theory
spoken like a true buddhist,even tho you wouldn't identify as one. -
define happy(you knew somebody was going to do it). i am at peace at this moment,so i guess in that respect,i am not unhappy.
make sure you apply for and are ordained.it doesn't sound like you did.then follow pmo's directions.
Happy National Coffee Day, Usa
mark 45 replied to BrDevon's topic in Good Wishes, Gratitude, Blessings and Prayers
where's rev cali when we need him,or at least his "coffee services"? -
all i will say is that in the recent past,there have been those who found out that the monostary is not part of modesto,and were not happy with that knowledge.they chose to leave the monostary.
since there is no need to register,why make things harder on yourself than you already are? and to answer your question,in some states,it does cost to register.
being his country is secular,i don't know what the laws concerning ordination would be there.as brother michael said,maybe he can tell us. it is apparent that the constitution of his country gives him religious freedom,and as such he should be able according to that(by law)preach anywhere someone would allow him to(in his country).however,being allowed to and finding it acceptable are 2 different things. does the reference to a prophet in his own country mean anything?
why would you wish to debate beliefs of someone else other than to try to prove them wrong?the ulc is not about that anyway,and if you personelly feel that way,that is your right.however you did ask,and you said country to country.in most islamic countries,you might get lucky and be jailed.chances are tho you would get your throat cut.if you wish to commit suicide that way,i hope you do not involve others. you have every right to believe as you choose.and i know many christians believe they should convert as many as possible.while i wish you well on your path,i would not want to be around when you tried telling muslims in any country they are wrong.i think the word they use is infedel.
while carl is correct under us law,he is not under canadian law(as of this point).i am not an attorney,so this is worth what it cost you. in canada,to be a recognized church,as i understand it,you have to establish a church in your province,it has to have a minimum number of parishioners(something like 100)and have existed about 5-10 years.if you have all this,then the minister might approve you to conduct marriages in your province. always glad to chat with my neighbors to the north.i wish the information was better,however,as i understand it,the former british colonies are the same way,with the us being the execption.
got to agree with josh on that one.i read both your answers and still don't know what you mean.your state rep won't either,unless you can be specific about what you mean.
Something Meaningful In The Final Hour..
mark 45 replied to Rev. Lynch's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
thank you for the story. 2 weeks before my mom died,she asked me if it was"ok if she went?"i asked her if she meant right then,and she told me no.however,in the very short conversation that followed,i told her that yes it was ok,and her job was finished,she had raised all of us to be independent adults,so there was no longer a need for her to be concerned about us. long story short,she decided that she wanted to sign a no code order,and go naturally.and i was the only member of the family she asked.i wasn't there,but i understand she went very peacefully. -
no. we have a number of ulc ministers who preform ceremonies(legal ones by the way)who are not part of a church(physical building)in mo.but since we are in good standing with hq in modesto,were covered under the law. congrats on at least looking at your states law.
i think you mean they are essential tennets of your faith(and are shared by others).that deos not make them essential to any others beliefs.i wish rev cali was still active.he believed in the resurection and that christ died for everyones sins,and would say so if asked.but is he also a liberal?i would say maybe.i do know he had an equal"love" for everyone he communicated with.something i see missing in quite a few of the posts in this thread.
if you were told you don't need to register,or show papers in your state,then you don't need to.sounds like your making more out of it than is needed.go to your states website and read the laws there.if you still have questions,then contact an attorney.you sound like you need solid legal advice,from someone acting in your best interest.
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
mark 45 replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
deleted by me -
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
mark 45 replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
since they choose to act like total donkeys(and not in a good way),i don't bother with such trivial minds. the only way your ordination would be pulled(i think revoked is the word your looking for)would be if there was some fraud in obtaining it(you used someone else's identity)or you decided to tell hq you wanted to resign your ordination.other than that,unless your one of those idiots who tried to have their dog ordained,or someone no longer alive(save that for inflating the voting register),yours nor anyone else's will be pulled. as far as the forum,it will be 7 years in august that i have been here.i am sure i have ticked off more than one person,including those who have the power to ban me,and as of now,i haven't been.i doubt you would.