mark 45

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Everything posted by mark 45

  1. answered much better than i can.thank you.i am glad you are back.
  2. i thought you were dr sillyruca too,but didn't look it and i got in to an interesting conversation what seems like a long time ago,then you disappeared.if i remember,you gave qyrous her name(spelled way wrong). good to hear from you again.
  3. rev wayne(not his jedi name)was an active member on this forum at one time.i do not know anymore about him. from what i hear,there is the california assembly of jedi(s)(not sure that is the correct name)and australia had an active assembly,but i can't say for sure now.
  4. maybe.of the philosophies/religions you listed,buddhism is the only one that does not teach a deity.and if i understand correctly,the norse and greek gods weren't worshiped as they were meant to be emulated.but i could be far as wicca,i'm not 100%sure,but you can be wiccan and not worship the goddess/god. i guess if one finds something that is true to them,then it really doesn't matter what others think.but if they find something else that changes what they think,then so be it.
  5. you can also use"ordained clergy". reverend is the title given us by the church,minister is what we least that is how hq answered me.
  6. there are some who define soul,spirit as conscious,sub conscious,and energy.that, to answer your question is what some people believe allows for reincarnation(it isn't just buddhists who believe in it.) in the end,we'll all get an answer one way or another.till then,is it important?that is up to the individual.
  7. i did some further searching,and found a local school that can use the box tops for education.this explains the program,and what they look like: i am going to contact his wife kay and make sure she is ok with it.i could really use some help with this.
  8. rev al and i used to save and send"box tops for education"to st joseph indian school,but as of this last september,they stopped taking them. i would really like to find a place(yes i have looked on line,no results)that will take them and create an account in his name,as a memorial. if anyone is interested,please contact me and if you know of someone(ie:school.daycare,ect)i would also like to know
  9. if you keep in mind that kirby was a christian minister before he started the church,you would be correct.however to say that the ulc is a christian church would be incorrect.
  10. welcome to the forum.where in michigan are you from?
  11. i got this one from pete.i use it at wedding receptions: "may that which strengthens you sustain you. may that which lights your way ever guide you. may that which brings happiness be always with you. and may love and peace never be a stranger to you." the other one i use(mostly for a holiday meal): my wish for you: "where there is pain,i wish you peace and mercy. where there is self-doubting,i wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it. where there is tiredness,or exhaustion,i wish you understanding,patience and renewed strength. where there is fear,i wish you love and courage." (this was given to me by a friend before he died.he only heard me use it once).
  12. as far as brochures about what ever we believe(or don't),yes we can. contact hq about your questions concerning the ulc.while there are some things available from them,i am not aware of a brochure.
  13. if i remember correctly(and i am not pagan)you have the child,the maiden and the crone?could it be that the child is talking to you as the crone? just keep in mind i am a buddhist,and do not believe such things,but sometimes don't hold my opinions.
  14. sounds like they are.but let an atheist demand that the 10 commandments be taken off public property and see what happens.
  15. if you watched leah remmicks show about the church of scientology you would understand that the age of consent was set by them for whatever reason they had at the time.