Around this time of year we usually have a discussion on Halloween and the extent of participation that we allow ourselves or our kids. I recall back when I attended a fundamentalist church, the youth group sponsored a "Haunted House:" in the basement of the church. Kids were confronted with demonic underwourld creatures waving slabs of raw meat, among other goulish sights, as they wound their way through the darkened maze. To me, it just didn't seem right at the time. It was sort of like having a Las Vegas night, it had no place in God's "House." I'd like to know your thoughts and if you allow your children to dress up (or perhaps even yourself!), and go trick or treating. Is it okay to dress up as a princess or pirate or your favorite Transformer instead of a gruesome ogre or Freddy Krueger? Halloween is not like it used to be when I was a kid, but even so, do you think the practice invites "evil" spirits or negative energies to manifest? And, does dressing kids as fairy tale characters or Pumpkins, Flowers, princess, somehow eliminate the "dark side" of Halloween?