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Everything posted by RevRainbow

  1. preparing for a week to come of turkey sandwiches and salad. Have a thankful day, all.
  2. All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray...

    1. Pastor Aaron

      Pastor Aaron

      I've been for a walk, on a winters day...

    2. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      California dreamin'.....

  3. has no status update. Is that good?

    1. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      no update is good update?

  4. I agree. I am content. There are things I want but nothing I need. Methinks one must learn to be's a process of self acceptance and acceptance of conditions both external and internal. I don't mean that as a resignation or being succumbed, but rather to work with, and use to the best of my ability, those things and conditions that I find myself in. Being content does not imply that I am always happy. Things make me happy, people make me happy. Momentarily. They can also make me sad. Happiness is conditional and temporary. I heard an old adage once that went something like: "When you walk down the street, have a smile on your face and people will walk up and (sarcastically) say, 'What's so funny?'"
  5. Is the rent due again already? Nuts.

    1. Rev. Loraina

      Rev. Loraina

      many blessings, it seems it's always that time again.. have a blessed day! Rev. Loraina

  6. is doin' the Monster Mash (You'll catch on in a flash).

  7. Happy Birthday, padre.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Fawzo. I am deeply saddened to hear the news. Peace to you.
  9. Nothing more than I had responded to a different thread in this, the wrong one! Yeah, I was lost but now am found. Good thread and methinks it is a good idea that we include our brothers and sisters here in our daily prayers and/or devotions.
  10. Salem, the questions were for everyone. I even included Halloween as a positive force in the poll above. I am interested in the concept as far as other belief systems, as to whether it is incorporated as an observance, or is it just a day for the kids or what. Also, the interest lies in the degree of acceptance or rejection for various Christian denominations. Thanks for the response.
  11. Around this time of year we usually have a discussion on Halloween and the extent of participation that we allow ourselves or our kids. I recall back when I attended a fundamentalist church, the youth group sponsored a "Haunted House:" in the basement of the church. Kids were confronted with demonic underwourld creatures waving slabs of raw meat, among other goulish sights, as they wound their way through the darkened maze. To me, it just didn't seem right at the time. It was sort of like having a Las Vegas night, it had no place in God's "House." I'd like to know your thoughts and if you allow your children to dress up (or perhaps even yourself!), and go trick or treating. Is it okay to dress up as a princess or pirate or your favorite Transformer instead of a gruesome ogre or Freddy Krueger? Halloween is not like it used to be when I was a kid, but even so, do you think the practice invites "evil" spirits or negative energies to manifest? And, does dressing kids as fairy tale characters or Pumpkins, Flowers, princess, somehow eliminate the "dark side" of Halloween?
  12. recouperating from yesterday's wedding

  13. Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a preacher!

    1. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      "Set fasers to stunning!" - Sulu

  14. has anyone seen where I left my wings?

  15. God wants to see spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

    1. preacher man
    2. Fawzo


      He needs to change channels and stop watching the 700 club then

  16. is gonna keep his mouth shut for a while.

    1. Fawzo


      Why did you lose your motorcycle helmet again?

    2. preacher man

      preacher man

      What about ear plugs?

  17. gotta clean up this mess one day.

  18. I poured beer on my Rice Krispies. They went "Snap, crackle and burp."

    1. preacher man

      preacher man

      do REV. use beer in cereal before to preach??

      This post confused me. It is little funny, but ??????????

      PLS answer

    2. RevRainbow


      it is only a joke. I do not use beer on my cereal.

    3. preacher man

      preacher man

      T/Y I did hope for a joke! lol God bless u !!!!!!!!!!

  19. Stormson, This may sound a bit foolish, but would you talk directly to God as you have expressed yourself here? I think you should. He already knows you are angry (and probably read your posts) so why not express yourself to Him. You are, after all, not asking for yourself but for your daughter. In your state, going to beseech God, in my opinion, is a sacrificial act of love and humility. He searches our hearts. Go to Him just as you are in her behalf. I'll pray for you and you pray for her. Also, you must find it in your heart to forgive the mom, otherwise it may delay the results. I sincerely hope this helps everyone concerned in the matter. RR