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Everything posted by Songster

  1. My heart and prayers go out to you and your Aunt Betty, Rev. Al.
  2. It's good to hear you're healing well! Take care!
  3. I had never heard of Candi Pearson-Shelton before you posted this... Thanks! I enjoyed it!
  4. Ahhh... '88, that's why I couldn't remember. Thanks, Bishop Corey.
  5. Nice story, MD! Thanks for the chuckles! (My Dad's 82. I noticed when we were visiting last Thanksgiving that he's started repeating himself. After dinner, while my Mom and I sat talking on the couch, my Dad was sitting in his recliner with his legs up and his eyes closed. Speaking softly so I would not wake him, I asked my Mom if she had noticed that he was repeating himself. Before she could say anything, he opened his eyes, looked at me and said, "I don't have Alzheimers... and I still hear good too.")
  6. I don't speak or read Hebrew and the translator doesn't give a translation for this... can it be expressed in English? רְצֵה ה' אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ= The רְצֵה ה' אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ
  7. I assume these are all your own compositions. If so, Nice work! Thank you for sharing them! I especially liked your guitar work on the song presented in your second post. (Om Namha Sivya?)
  8. What year was this video released? I remember the song, but can't place when I first heard it.
  9. Rabbi, You are unquestionably deserving of your recent appointment. I envy your patience. Shalom.
  10. I was wondering if you were reading the excrement thats been smeared throughout this thread. One of my favorite quotes, and the reason I am so vocal in my disagreement with a questionable premise: Plato- "Your silence gives consent."
  11. Not since I was 17 and had to make the choice between broadsiding an old lady's tank or cutting through a corn field. It's fun to ride, but the risks are more than I'm willing to take.
  12. So Fawzo, in your mind the killing of innocent children and pregnant Jewish women by Arab suicide bombers is OK. Are Arab suicide bombers your heros?
  13. I'll be more specific in the future. Moses and Joshua were "Heros." Leaving any of the inhabitants of Canaan alive would have been a tactical error.
  14. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I love this one! It's a slight misquote, but it's meaning isn't altered. (limits)
  15. Sorry, but the last time I responded to your invitation to read and comment on something you wrote, you got offended. You weren't interested in constructive criticism then, and since I do not offer undeserved praise, I will not comment now.
  16. I use those letters when I'm writing, too. Big "G" for my Diety, little "g's" for the others. Why should making that distinction in my posts be interpreted as any more disrespectful than another's insistence that my God is imaginary and that belief in any diety is based on ignorance and/or fantasy?
  17. Since you asked.... Why would you base the structure of your church on the organization that was responsible for the destruction of Gnostic Christianity and the death of it's followers? The same question applies to your desire to incorporate the Book of Common Prayer. I am not necessarily opposed to the adoption of ritualistic ceremony or practices, but if you're aim is to offer an alternative, why start by copying the existing models?
  18. Disclaimer- Before I answer these questions, I'd like to say that I am extremely aware of my own imperfections, and though I believe I am an excellent judge of what is "right" or "wrong", I have too often failed to perform up to my own standards. Knowing and not doing is worse than doing and not knowing. It is worse to notice the need and then ignore it (whether they ask for help or not). I have been in this situation several times.... having inserted myself into situations where I could have been injured or killed in order to assist another or keep another from harm. I have to admit that I acted without forethought, and chastised myself afterwards for having placing myself in danger without due and proper consideration of the possible consequences. Since I know I am not "brave"... "stupid" may be a better word to describe my actions. I have employed both methods... verbally in an effort to provide needed instruction, physically to apply appropriate discipline. I believe physical correction leaves a more lasting impression. Which is more harmful? I'd say both have their uses.... and consequences. Miracles happen when there is a suspension of natural/physical laws that govern our physical world to alter the logical (or usual) conclusion of a given situation. Karma is one of the physical and spiritual laws that governs all of us. Basically stated as- "What goes around, comes around." It has also been presented as the Golden Rule- "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Only the application of the Law of Forgiveness can cancel an individual's Karmic debt. Luck, in my opinion, is pure chance, and is something that I do not hold in high esteem because it appears to me to be bestowed all too often on those whom I feel to be undeserving of the benefits. Unquestioning faith and unconditional kindness are (IMO) both desirable states, but I believe that the later is a condition acquired by the presence of the former. To me, blind tolerance benefits no-one. (See the above questions about "Knowing & Ignoring".)
  19. When you first started posting in the forum, I suspected you were being purposely confrontational to stimulate discussion. Since I was not certain of your motivations and could not prove my suspicions, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. However, since it was recently revealed that you were not even truthful when you filled out your profile, I have no reason to accept anything that you present on this forum to be an honest reflection of your true personality or thoughts. Since you appear to post what you deem important in large bold type....... I have no confidence that you are who you say you are, and doubt the validity of anything and everything you have posted in the past and will disregard anything you might post in the future.
  20. Fawzo, It appears that, once again, I have been unsuccessful in my attempt to effectively communicate my certainty in my Faith without giving offense. (I apologize.) There is no proof of God's existence that can be realized or recognized without prior Faith. One should not depend on the learning of mere mortals when seeking knowledge of God.