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Everything posted by Songster

  1. This is mild compared to her previous public exposure.
  2. Sending prayers for your Grandmother, you, and your family. (BTW- I love the M.A. quote.)
  3. I don't recall ever having expessed an opinion on population control. If you're asking about my opinion on abortion.... you'll find my opinion clearly stated in the thread dealing with that topic.
  4. Yes, I do. We were blessed with 5 kids... 2 girls and 3 boys, who have presented us with 8 grandkids (5 girls, 3 boys), soon to be 10 total, as we're expecting 2 more girls by the end of August. Yes, I'd say it's an accurate (if abbreviated) account of my perception of my parental responsibility.
  5. Thank you, Brother, for the quick refresher, and most especially for the blessings of peace and enlightenment! Thanks again.
  6. That may be true, but it's doesn't stop some from claiming that they do know.
  7. For he who feels he's being ingnored.... Brilliant is not the adjective I'd use to describe these men. My response to what you deem to be "wisdom".........Ppppppppbbbbbbbbbbbtttttttthhhhhhhh!!!!!
  8. Sorry, I had to remove the video of Working Man Hero... it contained a word not appropriate for this forum. This one should be OK....
  9. What did you do, pressure him into releasing you? Is he aware of the type of work you perform? There's no such thing as "light-work" in construction or manufacturing. I'd get another doctor's opinion... especially since you've experienced problems since your surgery. Personally, I wouldn't return to work til I was 100%. Whatever you do... take care!
  10. "Blouse to dress in one letter change (five letter words - one replacement)" Change shirt to skirt.
  11. I love bird watching! We've got cardinals and robins galore, and little yellow finches, and there's got to be a million hummingbirds around here. Most are green with a scarlet throat, but there are a bunch of yellows, too. The biggest woodpecker I've ever seen in my life was at least 2' from the top of it's red head to the tip of it's tail, and sounded like a jack-hammer. (As for the "meteor".... I saw a very brief snippet on the news, but haven't seen anything else about it since. Was it really a meteor? Or is that just the cover story? I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the lack of info concerning the thing has me wondering.)
  12. My grandfather was a fountain of folk wisdom... One of the many truisms he passed on to me is "Locks are meant to keep honest men honest." Another of his favorites was "Once a mule has made up his mind, only a bullet will change it."
  13. Are you certain? Do you know what I believe God to be? (I'm certain that my conception of God is correct, so if their findings do not agree with my understanding, they'll have to keep looking til they get it right.)
  14. Nope, the thought had never crossed my mind until you brought it up. In fact, I didn't have a clue what it was until I googled it.... Interesting concept, and plausible, but unproven. (I find it amazing that scientists will readily accept the concept of something that can't be proven to exist, but adamantly deny and denounce the existence of God.)
  15. It's been a LOOOOOONG time since played this game. This is going to require more than just a little thought, so I'll be back later to submit my contribution.
  16. Unless I missed a day (time-warp? alien abduction?).... today is May 1st, and tomorrow will be May 2nd, the anniversary of the ULC.
  17. My soul is not for sale. My body cannot be rented. If I die with nothing but my honor and integrety intact, I will consider my life a success.
  18. Que sera, sera? Was Doris Day His prophetess.
  19. OK, now that I've been given some help.... (Thank you, BrDevon, Decline.)..... PUZZLE!
  20. Thanks, Q. I have pictures of it somewhere. My wife called it my "Baby" and teased me when she heard me "sweet-talking" it. (I talk to all my plants.) I will admit to taking extra special care while it was on the vine. I picked all the other tomatoes off the plant when they were average size and still green. I even built a stand for the tomato to rest on because I was afraid the weight of it would snap the stem. I took it up to our corner market to have it weighed on their scale and had a crowd of people standing around clapping when the produce manager announced that it's weight was 1.78 pounds. It was beautiful, inside and out... really sweet meat, with hardly any seeds. I cut it up into 1/2" slices and made tomato sandwiches out of it. The tomato stuck outside of the bread an inch or more all the way around the bread. It was one of the most satisfying meals I've ever eaten.
  21. For the benefit of this functional idiot.....Please explain, as I don't see any connection between the given words and dust.
  22. I love it! I laughed out loud they went from saying "Don't argue...." straight into an argument, and then from "Go to bed happy..." to "We go to bed happy 'cause we're tired of fighting..." What a great pairing!