Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. I recommend Weddings, Funerals and Rites of Passage: Sample Ceremonies For Celebrants, Officiants and Ministers by Amy E. Long, it is available in the store portion of this site.
  2. notice i said IN HER PRIME...but the last photo i seen of here from about 5 or so years ago, she has held up pretty well.
  3. You might try contacting some local tailor's or semstresses. You would be surprised what you can haggle and barter.
  4. Which ULC courses? The HQ ones or the Seminary ones?
  5. Only thoses that have actually talked to murph previously know if it was really him...muhahahaha
  6. OMG murph you have an opinion! you should be shot!
  7. I dont think so since it would violate the HQ's copyright.
  8. I have both books. They are good reads. I prefer the out of print "Bufferzone" of all the ULC books out there.
  9. Oh and as to the cost, yeah it is prob. about $500 a year to get the software lis. and pay for the hosting, but ya know what? Kevin doesn't have to pay for it. If you don't like the rules that you agreed to, you are more then welcome to leave and start your own forum.
  10. Humm it took you less time to post a reply about it being removed (1 minute) then it would for a Me (yep, i was the one) to write a PM explaining that the post broke the long standing rules with links and verbatim quotes as to why. That tends to take more then a minute. When i went to get a link for the PM, i seen your snide comment and didn't bother sending it becuase you had already made up your mind as to what you thought was happening regardless of the actual cicumstances and referred it over to the real King, King Murph.
  11. i generally can, my fav thing for me and my wife is the "where do you know {pauses the screen} this person from. best done to normally well know person in an early part. examples. Marilyn Manson in Jawbreaker, Dr. McSteamy in X Men Last Stand, etc etc.
  12. I read the you, as the "people in general" varient of the word
  13. Doggie, your wife may have been one of the few "lucky" ones that was not severely adversely affected by thier mother's drug use during pregancy.
  14. Anyone else watch "Assume the Postion with Mr. Wuhl"? I watched 201 the other day and it did justices to 101 and almost made me pee my pants from laughing!
  15. happy birfday Dan!

  16. i have dozens of versions but tend to go back the the KJV...
  17. gee Mark and Blacktorn, i only posted that site in this thread on the 26th of April