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About MatthewMaiden

  • Birthday April 27

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  • Interests
    Family, music, reading, food, adventure.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Universal Life Church

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  • Occupation
    Self-employed Internet publisher

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New Friend (3/17)

  1. Prayers, positive thoughts, and good vibrations your way.
  2. Thanks Murph. Could you just delete the old account? That would work better for me now Thanks
  3. Hey guys, just a little update. Shortly after doing the show with Murph, I began getting harassed by the other ULC sites. More specifically, a certain man who was hired to harass us. Since he wanted to start his propaganda with a radio network, I was one of the first he came after. I had talked with Kevin at the time about this and Kevin tried to reassure me that this man's (and the claims of the other ULC site) were baseless. But as one of the first to be attacked by them, outside of the main Modesto church and here, I didn't know exactly what they were capable of doing. I was able to dig up a little info on this person who was attacking me and he already had a rap sheet in a couple of states. Becuase of an illness I was fighting at the time as well as other family issues, I didn't think I had the energy to fight back with those creeps. Long story short (well, I think it's too late for that now lol) I turned the site over to Kevin rather than let those people have it. Also, I thought my old profile and info had been deleted from here long ago, hence this new profile. Matt
  4. As someone who was raised Catholic and still have many Catholic family members, I understand the "two bishops" discussion above and like them, believe everything is theologically copasetic. Also, I think Pope Francis I is off to a good start with so many people hurting right now. If he is truely as genuine and humble as he seems, then I think he will be instrumental in healing some of the wounds they have open currently. Oh, nice to meet you too
  5. Congrats! Cool site. Like Joyce Ann, I didn't think you meant "anti-Christian".
  6. Welcome to the ULC-dot-net Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  7. Happy birthday Matthew! May all your wishes come true.

  8. Well, yes there will be more now that I am better I have been battling an illness and it sparked back up right around the time that Murph and I did the interview. Didn't know it at the time, but was ill again and right after the interview handed the show over to Kevin (Brother Kevin). Much better now and have redesigned the blog and working on more shows. Speaking of redesign...this place looks great:) Matt
  9. commanche thank you for that info. I went there and signed up under ulcradio in case I need to move over there or find that I like it better. I'm still learning about the workings at Blogtalk and they do have a live call-in switchboard but only four callers including the guest. I will be downloading and storing the shows on my hard drive so that we always have them. Now a question about scheduled times and length of shows, should I conduct a poll to find out when everyone would like to hear the show? Sunday nights seem to be pretty popular over at Blogtalk but I'm willing to go with what the members here want since it is for them. I would like most folks to have a chance to call in if they wanted. Thanks again.
  10. mererdog thank you for your input. I really appreciate it and I agree with you. Actually, your suggestions are in line with my initial ideas for this program. Educational for ULC members. “If you could get a lawyer or three to do audience Q&As about marriage laws, liability insurance, confidentiality, use of honorary degrees, and tax issues, that should generate a lot of interest and be very helpful to a lot of people.” Informative for non-ULC listeners. “Panel discussions on topics like tolerance, religious freedom, government regulation of religion, and the like would seem to have promise.” Entertaining for all. “An essay series on "what my ULC ordination has done for me" might be fun and food for thought, as might a series where people read excerpts from their favorite inspirational works.” I had a few pages of notes to ask Murph about his duties as an admin and running the forum but being that this was my first show I just went where the spirit took us if you will I did not want to pry into Murph's personal life any more than he was willing to volunteer. He was very generous and this was all set up on just a couple private messages. He had no outline, no demo recording, and no communication outside of this board. A very BIG THANK YOU Murph! p.s. No pushing political agendas. Name calling of any elected official. General disrespect towards any elected official. Endorsing candidates or elected officials.
  11. Hey, Been working on a radio program for the ULC and this morning was the first show. An interview with Murph. You can check it out here: I will have another link up for it over at: The show with Murph was great. If you guys have any ideas for the show please let me know as this thing is evolving. Thanks Matt